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For a lifetime,
you made me thought you were something.
Something out of this world,
out of my mind.
For a lifetime,
I thought you had the brightest smile,
so bright that it made it hard for me to breathe,
until I couldn't.
For a lifetime,
I thought you had the warmest breath,
warm enough to keep me sane in the cold night.
So warm that you burned down my dreams
and turned it to dust
and blew them away.
For a lifetime,
I thought you were the stars in the night,
shining little lights,
never thinking that you were covering up the whole damn sky
with your void space you called "love",
never being able to see the bright world I could've had.
Now you're just a part of the night
where the sun never dwells.
For a lifetime,
I thought you were the whole galaxy,
but then you were just a dead star I used to wish upon,
and for the next lifeline,
you are nothing.

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