Deny and shove it down

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It was Friday. First day of Russian. Oh how I didn't want to go but I can't skip this it looks really good on job application. Besides it's only like 2 hours. I get dressed and say goodbye to Ivy. "Good luck she shouts" I swallow hard "thanks". Her and I talk now. We're not friends by the way just acquaintances. Anyway I'm nervous as fuck. I head over to the building and walk into the classroom. I keep my head down but I feel her glaring at me. It's to early for this. I find a desk opposite of hers it's close to a wall,  in the second row. I don't want her to think I'm hiding but I am not sitting in the front row. I put my computer on my desk for taking notes and wait for class to begin. I reach down for a pen that's in my bag, as I sit up I see her standing in front of my desk. Her hair was a beautiful red, her eyes looked as if she was peering into my soul, trying to pry open my locked down mind to see what I was thinking. She finally speaks. I hate conversation but her silence is way worse. "Freya Rushman correct?" I look down "yes ma'am" she folds her arms and leans against the wall "what happened to our meeting?" I clench my fists and look up "I slept in I couldn't make it" she smiles "stay after class please". She walks away. Oh shit if I wasn't screwed before I am now.

Natashas POV

So she did show up to class. I thought she was going to drop out after walking away from our meeting. That's right I saw her right at my door then she walked away. I let her go. Her choice of major intrigues me. Ethical Hacker. You only choose that job for two reasons. You either want to be on the computer all day so you don't have to leave your home or there's something in the webs files you need to get to and without this diploma it's illegal. Somethings bothering her. She's closed off, reserved. She's hiding something that she doesn't want to share. I've seen that look. The look of fear. Girls got hypervigilance. She checks her shoulder, the window and the door every few minutes. She's also a terrible liar. Digging your nails into your palm is a tell tale sign your lying. She also tried to overdo the eye contact when telling me she was asleep. I learned a lot from SHEILD when I worked with them. This girl is up to something. She's so closed off that she's tearing herself apart inside.

Freya's POV

The class started I watched as she wrote on the board most of the kids looked bored out of there minds, some were sleeping. I was amazed at how calm she was. It was disrespectful to sleep in class. In grade school I'd seen teachers yell at kids but she just kept her calm. An hour into class she handed out papers. It was a pop quiz on all we had just learned. That's why she was so calm. She knew she was going to screw the students over in the end. She spoke up "this will be turned in by the end of class, fail it and your out. I don't have time for games. And learn one thing. In my class if you fail I didn't fail you, you failed yourself" she sits back down, I laugh under my breath. I easily fill out the sheet and pack up my things. I walk to her desk and turn it in with a polite smile then start to walk out hoping she forgot all about me staying. Just as I turn the handle I hear her voice "Rushman did you forget about our conversation before class began" dammit, I turn her eyebrow is cocked at me "yes ma'am I apologize" that came out a little sarcastic oops. I take my seat and fiddle with my pen.

Natashas POV

She finished her quiz with 15 minutes to spare. She tried to slip out the door after handing me her quiz. As if I forgot. She's a smart girl. Very good with Russian which makes me wonder why she's taking the class if she already knows most of it. She got the highest marking in the class. I've been watching her, taking a moment to watch her movements. She's so scared but is really trying to pull it off. I collect the last quiz and dismiss every one. Freya stays. I walk up to her, she's slouched in her chair, her breathing is sharp. I lean against the wall again. "So about your major why did you pick it" I watch her shift in her chair and clench her fists. I'm about to hear a bullshit answer. She looks at me "I wanted to help companies with viruses, there nasty things you know." I laugh "look I know your lying straight through your teeth" she clenches her jaw. "No I'm not" I smile and go to the front of her desk, leaning onto it so I'm eye level with her "I'm reading you more then you know" she looks pissed now I can see every muscle in her body because of how tense she is "you don't know anything about me!" I smile at her try to intimidate me "you wanna bet? You've got hypervigilance you can't keep focused for more then five minutes without checking your surroundings. When you lie you dig your nails into your palms, naughty habit by the way. You trace the lines in your hand when your nervous. Your afraid so you act like a badass to throw people off. And because you act like that I know your childhood was messed up. Your taking the class for personal reasons. You don't want to feel anything but I know so, drop the bullshit about wanting to help companies" she looked shocked, terrified, she didn't expect that. She stood and got close to me "don't talk to me!" She stormed out. I hit a nerve and she doesn't know how to react.

I hope you enjoyed. Next chapter is going to be interesting. Will Freya confide in Natasha and begin to trust her or will she deny the feelings deep inside of her chest telling her she should open up?

As always Thank you for reading

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