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Hello, before this starts I wanted to give a trigger warning. Mentions of abuse. If your not comfortable I'll give a summary at the end❤️ Otherwise enjoy☺️

Day set: Saturday evening, Freya's POV

I looked in the fridge then shut it. I hadn't eaten in 2 days. I had already spent all the money I fought for last week on school textbooks, food, and laundry. I looked at my gym bag and grabbed it. I had to get money. Normally I would be ok without eating for a while but I had school and I couldn't fall behind from lack of energy.

I walked to the gym and set down my bag. Liam walked up to me "fancy seeing you here" he mocked. I glared at him then remembered why I came, I had to get into a sparring match "you got any matches for me to spar in?" He studied me to see if I was joking, once he realized I wasn't he sighed "one but I really don't think you should take this one. You could get hurt" I laughed at his ignorance "you don't think I'm strong enough do you? Just tell me how much the fight is." He sighed "$215 dollars" I smiled "great lead me there". Liam led me to a mat. This one was different. It was a fighting cage. I looked at him "what happened to the ring?" He opened the gate for me "mat got ripped up so we have to use this. Is that ok?" I didn't have a choice I needed this money if I was going to eat this week.

I wrapped my hands and I turned around to see a girl walk into the ring. She was probably 6 inches taller then me, I had to be careful with her. This wasn't like last time she could break a bone if she wanted to. I'm 90 something pounds and she's like 130. I stepped onto the mat and Liam looked at me he looked worried. That wasn't going to stop me though. I just had to make sure I left with minimal bruises and make sure she didn't pin me. The fight began. She took a punch but I ducked, I swung back hitting her which caused her to spin around from the blow, I ran and jumped on her to take her down. I couldn't loose my grip. I looked down and my fingers slowly pulling apart. She unlocked them and threw me across the mat. My body slammed into the cage and I cut the upper outside of my arm on the rusty fence. "Time!" I heard Liam yell. He ran up to me "are you ok?" I laid there stunned. Then a flashback came into my head.

"You worthless piece of shit!" I heard my father's voice and remembered the pain all over again. I was five. He was angry at me because I got him the wrong beer from the fridge. He threw the bottle at me then picked me up throwing me into the brick wall that surrounded the fire place. I couldn't breathe for 2 weeks after he threw me. I heard Liam call my name again and I snapped out of it.

"Are you ok? Your cut" I stood "I'm fine, let's go round 2" he looked at me, shocked, How could this small girl take such a blow?. Round 2 began and she punched me in the face. I put my hand to my nose then looks at it, my nose was bleeding. I swiped under her making her fall then got on top of her and got her in a chokehold. Don't loose your grip don't loose it. I used all my strength and she was gasping for air. She tapped my thigh and gave in. "Damm girl you got some skill" I get up and she stands, I simply nod for thank you and grab a towel from my gym bag for my nose. She goes to her bag and pulls out the money putting it in my hand. "You should use that to pay for your stitches, your arms cut pretty bad" I take the money "thanks, good match". I leave without another word. I'm still shaken up from the flashback. I hated my father. I was so happy when he was murdered. I know that's messed up but you would understand if you saw what he did on a daily basis. A memory of his body and my mother's flashed through my mind. I cringed. I thought it would get better after. But it got worse.

I was walking down the street back to my dorm when I smelled something familiar. It was Miss. Romanoff's perfume. Shit. She was leaving a small coffee shop. I started walking quicker trying to out walk her. I was holding a towel to my arm to stop the bleeding. My nose stopped but it hurt bad. I walked praying she wouldn't notice me. Which was impossible because no one was in these streets at this time every one was home from work. I couldn't let her see me like this. I wasn't stable enough. I was already on the verge of crying.

So if you didn't want to read because of the TW. Basically she got into another sparring match for money. She got injured during it and had a flashback about her father. She got a nose bleed and her arm cut during the match. She ended up winning and as she was leaving she smelled Natasha's perfume. Now she's trying to escape her.

As always, I love you. Thank you for reading❤️

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