Anger release

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Where we left off!

Natasha's POV:

I had brought Freya to my room and laid her in bed. She'd been asleep for two hours and she was just starting to stir

"Hey babe" I gently whispered while stroking her hair, she rolled over and into me "hi baby" I smiled "how was your nap?" She yawned "it was good" I laughed "your short of words every time you wake up baby and it's adorable" she blushed "stop it Nat" I laughed and kissed her head "your mine" she smiled and placed her hand on my cheek "all yours"

After a couple minutes of silence she looked at me "Nat?" I rubbed her cheek with my thumb "yeah love?" She sighed "I know he's here" I tilted my head, attempting to hide the internal panic exploding in my heart "what baby?" She looked into my eyes "I know he's here, Yuri, I know" I looked down "why do you think that baby?" She reached for my hand and I took it "I feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, I don't feel comfortable, you wouldn't have asked me to help unless something was going on, and you were super pissed yesterday the minute Fury talked to you also you were protective of me when I went on a walk yesterday" I fixed my position and smiled a little "your a little spy aren't you?" She smirked "I've picked up some things from you" I sat up and pulled her into me "alright what do you want to know?"

She sat and thought for a minute then spoke "why?" I shook my head "we need to know more about him he's been doing things that weren't shown on the drive" she looked at me "promise me something" I looked into her eyes, they were desperate and scared and hurt "what is it love?" She looked down "I want him to feel what I felt when I'm done talking to him" I shook my head "come, let's go talk to Fury"

We got up and walked to Fury's office, he stood the minute Freya walked in "Freya, nice to see you walking" she nodded and I looked at Fury "she'll do it but only if I can be on the other side of the glass to make sure he doesn't lay a finger on her" Fury nodded "ok, Freya come on"

Freya's POV:

I walked beside Natasha, I was probably holding her hand tight enough to cut circulation off but she seemed to be fine. We made it to a room. Fury looked at me "make him believe that your back on his side fuck with his head ok?" I nodded and Natasha grabbed something from her gauntlet "this is a widow bite baby. If he touches you push this button and throw it at him. You've got three seconds to get rid of it. Do you understand?" I shook my head and she placed her hands on my face "I'll be right on the other side of this glass. 134 baby" I kissed her and looked into her eyes "134"

I walked into the room and Yuri gave me a smile that made my stomach churn "hello my child" I came and sat down "hello father" the man smiled "have you come back to your senses?" I nodded "hail hydra" he grinned "you wanna get me out of here? Kill everyone off?" I nodded and held the bite in my hand "I have a question Yuri" he smiled "what is it child?" I plastered a fake smile on my face "what was the mission?" He reached out his hand and I grabbed it "why do you want to know child?" I looked into his eyes "because I want to finish it"

After a minute he let out a chuckle "you forget I trained you child" he began to squeeze my hand as he did when I was a child. I yelped and growled at him "Don't fucking touch me!" I used Natasha's widow bite on his hand and he yelled and let go, I quickly flipped on top of him, feeling the almost heals scars on my hip rip open. My hands wrapped around his neck and I yelled at him "speak!" He laughed but stopped when I dug my nails into his throat "I said speak!" I growled

He spilled everything in a matter of minutes. As he was finishing my vision started to blur I looked down at my hip drenched in blood.

Natasha's POV:

"FURY GET HER OUT OF THERE!" He held my arm "he's talking Natasha you know she's strong" I yelled "GIVE ME A MINUTE WITH HIM, TAKE MY GIRL OUT!" Wanda stood beside me "Fury she's losing concussions" Fury stood there "wait on my go agent"

I watched her choke him, his face turning purple, she swayed to the side and Fury looked at me "now give him hell Romanoff"

I ran in there, Wanda close behind me. Wanda grabbed Freya and took her out. The man gasped for air and looked up at me with a sick smile "you've turned her to you well" I slammed his head into the table, breaking his nose "she came to me herself" I growled and kicked the chair out from under him "you can't do this!" He yelled and I smiled "why? Cause your defenseless? Like she was?" I kicked him hard and continued as he yelled.

After making sure I'd beaten him enough I looked down at him "your going away, where you will spend the rest of your days suffering in a cell smaller then the one you put Freya in, you will not walk nor see the sun" I kicked him one last time, blood spilled from his mouth and I bent down and grabbed his face "DO NOT EVER TOUCH MY BABY AGAIN!"

I walked out and guards walked in, dragging his beaten body out of the room and taking him for processing to the fridge. I looked at Fury "where's Freya?" He nodded "Well done. Don't worry, Wanda has her in your room, Simmons already stitched her up" I looked at him as he handed me a towel to wipe the blood off my hands, I grabbed it "how long was I in there?" He cleared his throat "three hours Romanoff" I scoffed "should have done six" I handed him the towel and headed to my room.

When I walked in I saw Freya laying in bed, Wanda had a chair right next to her, she was stroking her hair while Simmons was setting up a morphine drip.

"Hey guys" I whispered and Wanda stood then came and hugged me "hey Nat" I hugged back then pulled away "how's my girl?" Simmons smiled at me "she'll heal in no time, hands just a little bruised but she's ok, she even woke and said she wanted to see you but Wanda convinced her to go back to sleep" I smiled "thank you Simmons" she nodded and I heard a soft voice

"N-Nat?" I spun around to see Freya, her hands reaching out for me, I quickly sat at her bedside and laid my hand on her face "hey my love" she smiled "did he he look bad?" I chuckled at her "yeah baby he did" she yawned and I placed my hand on her thigh "I am so proud of you baby" she blushed and I bent down to kiss her, she kissed back and I laid down with her, Wanda smiled and came over to Freya "I'll see you in a little bit ok?" She nodded and I looked at Wanda "thank you Wanda. For everything" she smiled and squeezed my shoulder "we take care of our family around here"

Wanda left and I laid with Freya. Her body was slightly tense, I tucked hair behind her ear "you ok love?" She nodded "yeah it's just he squeezed my hand and it brought back memories, seeing him brought back memories" I gently rubbed the back of her neck and kissed the shell of her ear, she melted into me and I smiled "your safe now baby"

I held her as she slept, Fury walked in and smiled "just checking up on her" I smiled "she's doing great, Simmons said she'll heal fast" he nodded "tell me when she's awake, I've got a question for her" I nodded "yes sir" he left and I looked at Freya. Admiring everything about this angel laid before me. I smiled and held her close and whispered in her ear "my girl"

Well I don't know about you but protective Nat had me dying. I hope you enjoyed

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

Her Splintered Heart  - Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now