Change in a heartbeat

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Oof this ones gonna be rough. Get comfortable.

Natasha's POV:

The plane pulled into the hanger and I held Freya's hand. She was nervous, I could tell because she was rubbing her palms. "Baby" she looked up "yeah babe?" I smiled and gently kissed her "you'll be ok, now let's go" I put an icer in the waistline of my pants. It's rested at my back. Freya watched me "can I have one?" I looked at her "take a knife baby ok?" She shook her head ok as I handed her a knife.

We headed over to the meeting room for a quick debrief of the day. I had one meeting with Fury. I'd just have Freya wait outside because she didn't have the clearance level for the meeting. She squeezed my hand tight and I placed my hand on the small of her back. Once the meeting was over I looked at her "you ok baby?" She smiled a little "yeah, c-can we go now?" I shook my head and walked her out to the entrance.

She looked up and her jaw dropped, I closed her mouth for her "beautiful isn't it?" She shook her head "it's amazing, hydras bases never looked like this" I smiled and grabbed my badge and stood up to the scanner, it spoke "Natasha Romanoff, clearance level 10" Freya giggled and I led her through the doors, holding her close to my side.

Freya's POV:

I held onto Natasha's hand. A man started walking up to her "Romanoff! What the hell are you doing here?" Natasha laughed "long time no see Stark" I stood close to her, watching the brown haired man stand in front of her, he looked to be in his forties. Cocky but nice. He turned to me "who's this?" Natasha placed her hand on my shoulder "this is Freya Rushman" he stood back "cloaking device girl?" I rolled my eyes "my names Freya and yes" he smiled "that device is quite impressive" I nodded "thank you"

Natasha guided me away from him and took me on a tour of the building. We walked past a couple places and then we got to the tech lab. She led me in and we walked by countless projects, one was a hydra tech, I looked at it "Nat? Where did you get this?" She looked at me and picked up the file next to it "says it was thrown at some agents, they can't pinpoint exactly what was in the device because the air had admitted from it" I pointed to it "may I?" She handed me some gloves and I picked it up "this is cybertek's"

Natasha's POV:

She knows so much shit. I looked at her "baby what do you mean?" She studied it for another second and mumbled "so they did figure it out...." I shook her "Freya what do you mean?" She looked up at me "I'll talk to Simmons about it" I tilted my head " there a reason why you can't tell me?" She put the device down "Simmons designed the icer right?" I nodded and she smiled "then I've got this babe. I'll brief the team if they need but I just gotta make sure I'm right" I shook my head "ok baby"

A couple minutes later I was tapped by a agent, Daisy and Simmons was beside the agent. I had to see fury in the briefing room. I gently kissed Freya's head "I'll be back baby, stay with Simmons. 134" she smiled nodded "134". I squeezed her hand one last time then I followed the agent.

Freya's POV:

I turned to see Simmons. Daisy had already slipped off somewhere. I smiled "so can you help me with something?" Simmons looked shocked "uh y-yeah what is it?" I looked down "I was with Natasha in the lab and I saw some tech you got your hands on. I hear your struggling with it but I know a little about it" she smiled "what tech is it?" I smiled back "uh the grenade from the train incident" she squealed and led me to the lab

Once we got in there I put on my gloves and picked it up "Natasha told me you designed the icer bullets" she nodded "yeah I did" I lowered the object "dendrotoxin right?" She nodded and looked shocked "yeah how did you know?" I looked down "I've come into contact with it a couple of times....anyway I believe this was an airborne modified version of it" she tilted her head "what do you mean?" I handed it to her "if you look under that bolt and washer you may find powder, hydra does that with all their stuff. Hide shit in obvious places....anyway as I was saying, you'll find that the substance has properties of Dendrotoxin but it's most likely missing some components. It freezes your brain itself, your eyes remain open. You think time hasn't passed because of the chemical, and you remain in a state of unconsciousness......sorry for rambling" Simmons began to take it apart and sure enough there was powder. She swabbed and put it in a sealed container "your really good at this" I smiled at her compliment "t-thanks" she nodded "wanna take it to the lab with me?" I shook my head and took off the gloves then followed her.

We were walking through the compound but something didn't feel right. We went into the testing lab and dropped off the tube. The hall was empty except for one person at the end of the hall. I was standing behind Simmons. He drew a gun "SIMMONS MOVE!" I pushed her and threw my knife just as the gun popped three times. My knife hit him in the chest and he fell. I turned to Simmons "are you ok?" She shook her head. I felt myself getting dizzy, everything started to spin. I looked at Simmons "w-we gotta g-get out of h-here"

Simmons POV:

I looked at Freya, she was holding her side "Freya?" She passed out onto me and I booked it to the meeting room where Natasha was. I burst through the door "Romanoff!" She looked at me "where's Freya?!" I looked at her and she the blood on my hands "Simmons?!" I couldn't say anything I just ran.

Natasha's POV:

I ran after Simmons. She ran through halls and I turned the corner. There were two bodies laying in the hall. I looked at Simmons bent over the one further down the hall. It was Freya.

I ran up to Simmons. She was putting pressure on her left hip and side. I lifted her and ran to our plane. The team was already on the plane. Simmons looked at May "we need to get her to Zürich now!" May left and I looked at Freya turning pail "Simmons you need to do something" She shook her head and I followed her. I laid Freya on the table and she began packing the wounds with gauze to control the bleeding.

Once everything had finally calmed down I looked at Simmons "what happened?" She looked down "we were dropping something off at the lab. Before I knew it she pushed me out of the way and threw her knife. I heard three pops and I saw her holding her side.....she took the bullets for me" I shook my head "ok....why don't you go get cleaned up" she started to cry "ok....I'm sorry" I shook my head and she left.

I looked at Freya's helpless body laying on the table. I just wanted to hold her. Tell her she was ok. I needed her to wake up. I couldn't loose her. I began cleaning the blood off my hands and started to cry. I looked at her pale face "stay with me babygirl, your strong my love. Please...please don't leave me"

I have no words. See y'all next chapter....

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

Her Splintered Heart  - Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now