Come back to me

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Update: They made it to Zürich and Freya is in the operation room.

Natasha's POV:

I sat in the waiting room. My leg was bouncing and my heartbeat was racing a mile a minute. She'd been in there for one hour. I knew all they were doing was removing the bullets but it made me worried something had happened to her. I was so proud of how far she's come and I can't lose her now.

Thirty minutes later the doctor came in, blood covered her scrubs "h-how is she?" She sighed "the bullet to her hip hit her cartilage. We can repair it because of the tech we have but I'll need to keep her for two more days. Her upper thigh received two more bullets. One of which luckily just passed the femoral artery, and the second just grazed her skin. The only other issue is that we found traces of something in her blood" I stood "traces of what?" She handed me the chart and it read GH.325. I looked up at her "don't say anything to anyone ok?" She looked at me "but miss Roma-" I looked at her "that's an order doctor" she shook her head and I nodded "is Freya awake?" She shook her head "no...I'm sorry. But if you want to wait in the room you can" I shook my head "please"

She lead me down the halls to a room. I walked in to see Freya hooked up to several machines. I looked at the IV in her hand and I gently kissed it. The doctor looked at me "page me when she wakes up" I shook my head and pulled up a chair next to her

I placed my hand on her head "hey princess, your gonna be've done really well with the surgery babygirl...I'm so proud of's time to get up now....p-please wake up." I softly cried and tucked the covers over her body more. Trying to keep her warm and kissing her head.

I'd been sitting there for about three hours, going through her old files and planting kisses on her head every so often. Coulson brought me something to eat a little while ago. The food sat on the table half eaten. I laid my head on her shoulder "you my baby ok" I felt a small bit of pressure on my hand "baby?"

Freya looked over at me. Her voice was weak "Babe?" I smiled and cupped her face "hi my love" she looked at me "is Simmons ok?" I stroked her hair "Simmons is ok baby but you gotta stay rested ok?" She looked down "Nat" I smiled at her soft face "what is it darling?" She started to cry "I'm sorry Nat. I just didn't know what to do. I didn't want Simmons to get hurt. They were gonna kill her and I ju-" I gently rubbed her shoulder "oh baby there is nothing to be sorry for. You saved Simmons" she smiled at me a little "did you see my throw?" I laughed a little "yes baby I did" she started to laugh then yelped "ow! Nat it hurts" I cupped her cheek, "I have to page the doctor ok?" She started to shake "Nat please no I can't" I kissed her head "baby I'm sorry I have to"

Freya's POV:

She paged and a doctor came in "hello Freya, how are we feeling?" I looked at the doctor and I turned my head to the side, Nat spoke up for me "yeah it hurts can you give her a morphine drip?" The doctor shook her head and began to get out the medicine I looked at her "no I'd like agent Romanoff to pull the drug and administer it please, or doctor Simmons" Natasha looked at me "Freya?" I looked at her. My eyes were pleading for her to understand that I didn't want it to be given by them. She shook her head "call doctor Simmons please" I released my breath and Natasha squeezed my hand.

Simmons came in and looked at me. I smiled "hey" she ran up and hugged me, it made me tense a little but I gave her a small pat on the back. She stepped back "what can I do?" Natasha looked at her "Freya needs a morphine drip administered and doesn't really trust anyone but you and I to do it" Simmons shook her head and got the medicine then put it in the bag. I relaxed and everyone left but Nat.

A couple minutes later I looked at Nat "Nat, we need to leave" she tilted her head "why baby? Your ok here" I shook my head "no I'm not and you know I'm not" she looked down "you need surgery in two days babe" I looked at her, she was worried. I squeezed her hand "baby can't Simmons do it?" She nodded a little "yes baby but it's risky. I'd have to take you to Stark" I shook my head "please take me out of here" she sighed "fine baby, but from now on you do as I say" I shook my head and she paged the doctor.

Natasha's POV:

After convincing the doctor the discharge Freya and collecting everything she'd need, I watched as they loaded the med pod into the side of the bus. She lay there, asleep. I had to change her bandages out frequently and clean them to avoid infection. That was gonna be hell. I mean she's tough but I've gotten shot in the stomach once and that hurt like a bitch. I told Tony we were coming. I hadn't seen the team in a while but I was excited to have my old room back.

I was headed to see Freya when Fury grabbed my arm "Romanoff, how's she doing?" I shook my head "good sir. She's in some pain but she's going to be ok" Fury stood back "when she is ready I'd like to thank her for the drive and taking care of Simmons" I nodded "yes sir I'll tell her"

I headed to May to make sure we were on the path to NY then went to Freya. She was awake and reading her file, I took it from her "hey missy you don't have clearance for that" she rolled her eyes then looked at me "Nat you have to tell them to destroy my blood" I stroked her hair "Freya, why didn't you tell me?" She looked down "Hydra is after it and it was best that that kept hidden. Please babe" I nodded "fine I'll send it over, but you've got some explaining to do" she shook her head "ok Nat"

I smiled and kissed her "I'm so happy you made it" she giggled "what? you think you can get rid of me that easy?" I laughed and crawled into the bed with her "no baby not at all, but I do have to ask you this" she looked up at me "yes?" I played in her hair "why did you save Simmons?" She looked down "it's really kinda embarrassing but I've gone a little soft. I would've rather died then her. Like I said it's embarrassing and it's stupid" I lifted her chin "baby you sacrificed yourself and I am so proud of you for it. It is not stupid darling. Fury is very impressed with what you did" she smiled "really?" I kissed her head and rubbed her neck "yes baby"

She laid her head on my chest. I played in her hair and rubbed her ear trying to get her to sleep. I'd have to change her bandages in three hours and I wanted her to sleep before I did so. I whispered sweet things into her ear until I felt her body go limp from exhaustion. I smiled and kissed her forehead "134 my little warrior". A smile tugged at her lips and I held her close.

This was kinda a building chapter. Sorry if it was a little boring

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

Her Splintered Heart  - Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now