Fighting the truth

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I slammed the door behind me and headed to my dorm. How the hell did she pick all of that up? No one can tell that at first look. I spent years with many people and they never picked up on my small gestures like me clenching my fists when I lie. I look down at my hands, there are nail indents. She was right it is a nasty habit but that's besides the point. Why did she care this much?. I stormed up to my dorm and shut the door behind me. I went for my drawers to get some workout clothes. I'm so focused I don't see Ivy sitting on her bed "where are you going? And how was class?" I try not to shoot her a glare "it was fine! I'm going to the boxing gym" Ivy looks at me " careful". I change and leave then walk to the gym. I go and sit on the bench beginning to wrap my hands. A man walks up to me "hi I haven't seen you before. I'm Liam" his hand extends for a shake. I look up at him and glare, he steps back "ok I can see your here to blow off some steam. Holler if you need anything" he walks off. Men. They act all kind but really there dumb. They have no filter, saying the first thing that comes into their head. I stand and find a punching bag. I don't realize how hard I'm punching until I knock the bag off it's hook. I shake my hands out as I'm going to pick it up. I see a figure out the corner of my eye. It's Liam. Again. "Let me get that for you" he goes to grab it. I stop him "I got it" he backs off  "so how long have you been boxing?" I manage to hook it again "I don't". He scoffs "you expect me to believe that?" I look at him he continues "you know how to punch. So it's either you've boxed or you've gotten in more fights then you'd like" I look back at the bag "like I said I don't box" I'll leave him with that. What is up with everyone wanting to know about me anyway? I get back to punching but yet again he interrupts me. I stop and hold the bag "what do you need? If it isn't important please can I get back to beating the shit out of this bag?" Liam laughs "I'm going to invite you to a sparring match". As good as that sounds I would rather not "no thanks" I begin to swing again and he clears his throat "winner gets 150 dollars" I stop and look at him "fine I'm in" I needed that money. He smiles "yes! This is gonna be fun. Follow me." I follow him to a mat, I see a girl wrapping her hands and she looks up at me. She looks about 5'4, 130 pounds, I watch her warm up then smile to myself. She steps before she punches. I'm walking away with 150 dollars. The girl looks at me laughing. I'm 5 foot, I know I'm short but I'm pure muscle. I step on the mat and we shake hands for sportsmanship. We begin the fight. She steps and I step back missing her swing. I swing back hitting her cheek. She steps again I step back expecting it to be another punch but instead she lifts me and throws me across the mat. Shit that hurt. I get up and go off on her. It was a good fight. In the end I won. I walked away with a couple bruises and a concussion but I also walked away with 150 dollars. She walks by me as I'm putting my wraps in my bag "that was a good fight. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" I look up "uh sure" she smiles "I'm Spencer" I finish fixing my wrap and look at her "I'm Freya". She nods and leaves the building. I pick up my bag and look at my knuckles there red, I really should have gotten better wraps my my hands but the damage is already done. It's whatever. I walk back to the dorm and Ivy looks up "you feeling better?" I put down my bag "yeah thanks" I see her looking at my face then she gets up "that looks pretty nasty you get in a fight?" What was she talking about? I look in the mirror, above my right eyebrow is swollen. I must've gotten punched and not noticed during the fight. "Shit, yeah I sparred with this one girl" she looks at me "are you kidding?! You could've gotten hurt!" She gets an icepack from the mini fridge I take it "thanks, and I got 150 dollars for winning so I can live with a couple of bruises" Ivy laughs "you are one hell of a person Rushman".

Day check: Wednesday

It's been 5 days since my fight and my bruises are looking nasty as ever. All my teachers have just looked at me in shock when they see it but didn't ask questions. Thank god. I open my computer and there's an attached document in my email. Extra credit from Miss. Romanoff. I print it off and fill it out. I look at the clock 10:13 pm. I better get to bed. I take a pain killer for my bruises and lay in bed staring at the ceiling. I haven't slept much since class last Friday. I need to sleep. But I can't seem to get it off my mind. I thought I got rid of it.

What do you think Natasha will say about her bruises? Will she worry about what happened or leave it alone? And did Freya punch out her feelings or will they resurface?

Thank you for your time! Love you all

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