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Picking up where we left off. Here we go.....

Natasha's POV:

I looked at Wanda "there's no way she's an o-8-4, s-she can't be she doesn't have any powers. I-I would've known" Wanda looked at me "Nat I saw her being dragged into a room, I know her scar, I remember her eyes now, there not as dull but she's still lost somewhere" I grabbed her hand "what do you know about the o-8-4?" Wanda looked at me then spoke "the o-8-4 had special abilities, she had accessed more of her brain then any other person from a young age. There was also a rumor that she was hiding a ability and wouldn't show hydra. Whoever was in charge of her liked her very much. Ordering double testing. She'd come out shaking like she'd just watched people get tortured over and over. I can't remember the mans name now. All I know is we stayed away from him" I looked down at Freya in my lap. She was a very smart girl I looked up at Wanda "Wanda....is his name Yuri?" I could tell by her expression that it was. She looked down at Freya in my lap then at me "y-yes...."

I needed to wake up Freya to find out what they did to her...but how do you ask her those questions? She's not gonna want to talk about it, she's already traumatized as it is and I'm sure she has more in the back of her mind. I decided I'd ask Fury to send over the documents that we had on the o-8-4.

After I hung up Fury sent me file after file. I began to read.

Object: o-8-4


Subject refused treatment.......subject went in for code 15 at 1300 hours........subject lasted 71 hours in ice box........subject completed 15 rounds of TGT (tactical gun training).....subject refused to comply.......subject received 5 cc's of Taurine and 4 cc's of L-Glutamine at 1600 hours......subject left compound at 0500 hours for mission task Four winds........subject did not return from mission.......subjects tracker was disengaged.

Those were only some of the things. I scanned file after file. I was pissed. They fucking called her an object! I watched her turn and lay on Wanda. She was waking up. Wanda looked at me with wide eyes I looked at Wanda "just don't touch her. Let her see you and we'll see what she does." Wanda nodded, I looked back up at Wanda from my computer "Wanda what's a code 15?" Wanda looked at me "they gave her a fucking code 15?! There's no way give me that" I looked at Wanda who was reaching for my computer "Wanda?! What is it?!" She looked scared "Nat...people don't normally make it out of code 15. They drain you of pints of blood so your weaker. 10 men come in a beat you for hours. They leave you on the ground. The only way you live through that is if you have certain powers. You can't live through that. It's made so bodies can't handle the blows. Your brain is supposed to give in and it forgets how things work. That's a code 15"
I wanted to kill someone. I wanted to get in a quinnjet and beat Yuri who was in the fridge. But I couldn't. I had to take care of Freya. She was sleeping against Wanda so I continued to read the files. They explained her time in gruesome detail. It made my stomach churn and that's saying something. I'm an assassin for christ's sake.

A couple minutes later Wanda tapped me to snap me out of my trance. It was Freya. She was shaking again. I grabbed her and rubbed her back, she woke up and looked at me, I closed my computer and held her "hi darling" she was tired I could tell. She looked at Wanda and studied her then spoke up "your doing something you don't want me to know about. Aren't you?" I sighed and looked at Wanda then back at Freya "y-yeah honey we are. We don't want you to know because it's not stuff you like to think about" she grabs my computer and I take it from her "ah ah no ma'am" she glares at me "give it!" I laugh "ok but your not gonna be able to get in" she smiled this smug smile and types, my computer comes on "what? How did you do that?" She giggles "you've gotta have a better encryption on this thing" just before I can take it away she reads the top line. She looks at me "w-where did you get these?" I take the computer "Fury" she looks down "stop reading ok? It's not something you want to know" I look at her "baby! Don't say that. I want to know everything about you. I want to help you." she looks at me "don't do this for me. I'm not worth it. There are things about me that you wouldn't want to know" I grabbed her "why don't you want me to know?" I could tell she was getting aggravated but I wanted my answer "because I fucking love you ok?! I love you and I can't loose you. I can't. And once you know you'll leave me because I'm a bad and fucked up person. I've killed I don't know how many people!" She was crying by now. She admitted she loved me.....I grabbed her hands and pulled her to me "baby look at me" she wiped her tears and tried her best. I held her chin so I was looking in her eyes "I don't judge people on their worst mistakes" she fell into me "I need you" I held her "I know, I'm here"

A couple minutes later she looked at me then Wanda "promise you won't tell anyone" I smile "baby we may have to tell Fury but he won't hurt you" I could tell she was thinking. I rubbed her back. She finally looked up at me "wanna see my hidden talent?"

I promised someone I would get it out and I keep my promise! I hope you enjoyed!

As always: I love you all and thank you

Her Splintered Heart  - Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now