A glimpse of what she can do

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Here we goooo

By the way your gonna wanna read my notes at the end. Your comments depend on if it happens😳

Freya's POV:

Natasha had finished cleaning my cuts then left the room. I pulled out the chip and put it in my laptop then began trying to access the files. I cursed my ability with encryptions at this moment. I tried so many different ways. I tried faking the location by setting my computers time to Yakutsk but that didn't work. I looked at my coordinates again then it dawned on me, longitude and latitude doesn't conspire with height......that means if I could get the plane to hover over the base for ten minutes I'd be able to crack it.....but that base is loaded with guns they'd shoot the plane straight out of the sky. I sat back and pinched the bridge of my nose. 'Think Freya come on!' I whispered to yourself.

Natasha walked in and I shut my computer "yeah?" She frowned "any luck?" I shook my head "I had something but it died. Anyway what do you need Nat?" She kissed my head "one you need to eat and two you wanna come down and watch training? Take a break?" My stomach grumbled "yeah sure baby" I took the chip out of the computer and put it in my bra then followed her.

Natasha's POV:

Freya followed me to the small kitchen on the plane. I made her a peanut butter sandwich and handed it to her. She smiled "thanks babe". We sat together and she ate her sandwich, I kept my hand on her thigh and kissed her head occasionally.

Once she finished I took her to where the training was taking place.  She watched intently. I quickly learned that she's good with combat, she'd make little remarks under her breath when a move could've been executed better. I watched her go grab some boxing gloves and Simmons called out "Freya your not cleared!" Freya rolled her eyes and I intervened "Freya come on you can't do this" she whined "oh come on babe. I just wanna hit something" I picked her up and put her back on the bench "no. Now sit." She sat and pouted on the bench then looked at Simmons "clear me then" Simmons turned and her mouth went wide. Freya was holding out her arms for Simmons, Freya spoke up "don't flatter yourself, I wanna punch something" I smiled at her smart remark, it was cute when she acted like a bad ass considering how soft and submissive she would be when it was just her and I.

Simmons checked her arms and smiled "ok your cleared but that was a really quick heal, is that something that always happens?" Freya pulled her arms from Simmons "y-yeah" Simmons looked at Freya "your body....it's regenerating your bone marrow at a fascinating rate! If we could just g-" Freya cut her off "your not getting my blood, like damn!" I pulled her to me and she sat glaring at Simmons, I nodded at Simmons "why don't you just leave it be for now, she's still not ready" Simmons nodded and left along with the rest of the people in the room.

I watched Freya walk up to the punching bag and start hitting it. Her punches were strong but her form could use some work. I walked up to her and touched her arm, she looked at me "yes ma'am?" I smiled "your doing good love really good but your missing some things" she put her hands down "like what?" I stood behind her and tapped her arms "your doing good with keeping them up, your punches could be stronger by keeping tension here" I put my hands around her waist and positioned her body, she caught a breath and I smiled "now position your legs apart, one foot slightly in front of the other" she followed my directions and I fixed her hair from off her shoulder "good girl, now, punch" a powerful blow to the bag came from her and she turned around and smiled at me "like that?" I kissed her neck "yes baby exactly like that"

She continued to get her anger out, honestly it was hot how she was beating the shit out of that bag. After a couple minutes I put my hair up "Spar with me baby I wanna see what you can do."

She stepped on the mat with me and we began to fight. She was a good little warrior. I almost didn't notice the team coming to watch the fight. But Freya didn't notice so I continued. I ended up getting a advantage over her. I had her arm pinned but she wasn't giving up. I recognized her arm was bending and about to tear. I let go and helped her up, she looked at me "I didn't tap out" I rubbed her arm "you would've gotten hurt if I didn't let you go, why wouldn't you tap out?" She looked down and was about to answer when Trip broke the silence "I wonder what she can do with guns" Daisy smirked "do we have a baby black widow?"

Freya's POV:

I stood there frozen then looked at Natasha and whispered "how long have they been here?" Natasha smiled "since we began the fight darling" I shifted and Coulson looked at Natasha "does Fury know she can do this?" I collected my things and was heading out when Natasha grabbed my arm "no he doesn't and you stay here babe" I broke from her grip "I need to figure out my encryption, I'll be waiting for you in the bunk. I love you" I kissed her and left, I wasn't about to have that conversation with the whole team there.

Natasha's POV:

I watched Freya leave. She wasn't angry she just simply didn't wanna talk about it. I looked at Coulson "I'm sorry" he nodded "it's ok". I left and went up to the bunk. I walked in to see Freya back on her computer. I sat next to her "baby? Are you ok?" She nodded "yeah I'm fine, and by the way I didn't tap out because that's how I lived. If I tapped out in hydra messed up shit would happen" I nodded my head and kissed her "ok baby, well your safe now" she smiled "yeah safe with you and probably one other person" I tilted my head "who's the other person?" I don't think she realized what she said because her eyes went wide then she spewed out "I don't know I get a vibe from Coulson but I'm afraid to trust him because he kinda also scares me but is really nice at the same time. Anyway shall we get back to the encryption?!!! I think we should" she buried her head in her computer and I smiled then lowered the lid "Coulson is a really good guy, so is Fury" her eyes went big and I kissed her "your ok hun your safe" she took a deep breath and opened her computer again not acknowledging what I just said. I figured I'd leave it there. I smiled and rubbed her back "by the way I saw how your breath hitched when I touched your waist and we have some thoughts that Wanda told me you were having about me that we need to talk about" her cheeks went bright red and she looked up from her computer and mumbled "shit"

This was kinda a cute chapter. I honestly had many reasons for it. She got a lead on the chip, got her arms cleared, team saw a little of what she could do, Natasha had a bonding moment with Freya, Freya admits she may trust Coulson, possible smut chapter coming next😌😫......

Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

As always: I love you all and thank you

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