The team

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Where we left off!

Ok but the date for black widow is coming closer and closer and I keep having to remind myself to breathe. Does anyone else feel this? Or am I just crazy?

Anyway let's carry on shall we?

Natasha's POV:

Freya laid in my lap and I decided I'd get some work done before I was surrounded by a shit ton of testosterone. Tony was a whole case by itself. I placed my had around her waist and continued to type.

A little while later my alarm went off for me to change her bandages. I set my computer to the side and kissed her head "babygirl, wake up" she stirred and looked up at me, I smiled "hello there" she groaned "nooooo" I rubbed her arm "baby I gotta take care of your bandages" she furrowed her eyebrows "nooooooooo" I kissed her head "I love you baby but I'm not saying it again" she whined and turned a little so I could access the bandages.

I grabbed the supplies and started to remove them and she whined "nooo, no don't touch" I sighed "love I have to" she looked at me with her big puppy eyes, I cocked my eyebrow "nice try darling. I'm doing this because it's best for you" I washed my hands then turned to grab the cloth and water, she whined "but It will heal myself!!!" I snapped my neck back to her "I know it's gonna but changing the bandages prevents infection. Now turn" she reached for my hand and I gave it to her. She grit her teeth when I removed the bandage and whined when I cleaned it gently with the cloth. I patted the wound dry and made sure it wasn't infected. I wrapped it in clean gauze. She looked up at me as I put the bandages in a disposable bag "what is it princess?" I cooed, she blushed and hid her face, I smiled and lifted her chin then kissed her "I'll be right back my love" she nodded and I left.

I walked down the hall with her bandages so I could throw them away. Daisy ran up to me "we land in ten" I nodded "thank you". I discarded the bandages and went back to Freya's med pod. She was standing I knocked on the glass "no" she whined "I just wanna stretch my legs!" I opened the sliding doors "back in it" she rolled her eyes and I placed her back in bed "one, you can't get out of bed like that. Not on my watch. And two, don't you roll your eyes at me little miss, you know what happened last time you pulled that shit"

She quickly killed her attitude and reached for me, I laid in bed with her "we're landing my love" she was gripping my wrist "I k-know" I turned to her "are you afraid of landing baby?" She looked down and shook her head. This was the first time I'd landed with her. She was always somewhere else in the plane. I felt bad now because I should've been there. I kissed her head "it's ok babygirl I've got you" she leaned into me and played with the loose thread that hung from my shirt. I hummed to her, she closed her eyes and breathed in deep.

Freya's POV:

A couple minutes later we touched ground and Natasha gently lifted me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she held me close. We entered into a beautiful building. Natasha set me down on the couch and sat next to me "Freya. That's Tony, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Steve, Carol, Bucky and you know Wanda" I nodded as she pointed to each person. She told me there was more and that they were just on a mission. I studied each of them. I could already tell that Tony and Peter made mischief and Bucky and Steve were good friends. I could tell Clint and Bruce we're good friends with Nat because of the way they hugged her when they came in.

Wanda came and sat next to me "how you doing hun?" I shook my head "I'm ok" Tony looked at me "so you need surgery for your cartilage?" I shook my head no and Nat gave me a stare "yeah...." Tony shook his head "well we will get you into doctor Cho" I clutched Natasha's wrist and she rubbed my back, the lowered her voice and whispered "what is it love?" I whispered back "morphine's wearing off" she shook her head

Natasha's POV:

I looked at Tony "her morphine is wearing off" he shook his head and looked at Bruce he understood the silent cue and got up "follow me"

I picked up Freya and carried her to the med bay. It looked newer, I looked at Bruce "Fury give you boys some new toys?" He laughed "yeah...he did. I especially like this one" he held up a gun and I lowered it "not in the compound. Been gone for only a couple years and I'm still looking after you boys" he laughed "Romanoff you know some things never change" I smiled as I watched him put morphine into a syringe "no they don't"

Once the liquid was in the syringe I looked at Freya "you ready baby?" She held into my wrist. I looked at Bruce "you teach anyone else how to do this?" He nodded "yeah, the whole team knows how to at least administer an injection properly" I looked at Freya "ok baby, you've got three choices. It's either I do it while you sit in Wandas lap, Wanda does it and you sit in my lap, or Bruce does it. You pick. I know you don't wanna do it without being in someone's lap and I know your not fond of men so you choose" she held me and I stroked her hair. I found it kinda cute that she was afraid of needles. I knew it wasn't the pain and that it was just past memories but it made her clingy and cuddly and I loved it when she was like that

She finally spoke "the second one" I nodded "ok hun. Bruce get Wanda for me please. And no hard feelings she just doesn't trust you yet" he nodded "none offense taken. I'll go get Wanda" he left and I looked at Freya "your ok with Wanda right love?" She shook her head and I kissed her cheek "you like Wanda don't you?" She nodded "I trust her" I smiled and rubbed her back

Wanda came in a minute later "hey Nat you called me?" I nodded "you need to administer the morphine to Freya" she nodded and grabbed the alcohol wipe and syringe and laid it next to her. Freya went to look at it but I grabbed her face gently "no look at me" she did and Wanda gently spoke "it's just the wipe to clean your arm ok?" Freya shook her head and I watched as she cleaned the arm. She picked up the needle and looked at me telling me with her eyes that she was going to do it, I looked at Freya "ok baby hold my hand" Wanda held her upper arm "small pinch hun" she inserted the needle and Freya's nails dung into my skin as she winced, I coaxed her "sh sh shhh your ok hun" within a few seconds Wanda pulled the needle out and gently massaged her arm "you'll all done Freya" Freya nodded "thank you Wanda" Wandas face lit up "your welcome Freya"

I cupped her cheek "I'm proud of you" she smiled "guess what" I kissed her nose "what?" She giggled "I can feel my hip healing" I looked down at her hip " can what?"

This was a character building chapter. She's beginning to trust Wanda and she's just met the team. But the ending has Natashas attention grabbed.

As always: I love you all 3000 and thank you

Her Splintered Heart  - Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now