A love she hasn't known

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Again TW for mentions of abuse. I'll but when it starts and ends. This is to build the character. I ask that you stand by those who are going through this and who already has and if you are being abused in any way speak out. You are valid and amazing.

Natasha's POV:

I was leaving the coffee shop that I go to on Saturday evenings to read when I smelled strong peppermint. I looked around and saw a young woman who had already walked past me. She had a red cloth held to her arm. I watched closer then saw the familiar blonde streaks in her hair as light from a sign bounced off her. It was Freya. What was she doing out so late?

I caught up to her putting my hand on her shoulder. She went to kick me but I blocked her leg and grabbed her arm making her drop the cloth. "Ow" she yelped. I loosened my grip and turned her to me she bent down and picked up the cloth then put it back to her arm. I looked at her "what are you doing?" She clenched her fist "going home" she tried to get by me but I looked down at her cloth. It wasn't actually red it was stained from the blood "oh my god Freya what did you do? We need to get you to the hospital" I grabbed her arm and she pulled out of my grip "NO I CANT!" I looked at her "you've cut yourself Freya!" I heard her voice break "I can't afford stitches would you just please let me go?" I looked at her, her eyes were begging for me not to make her go, I sighed "fine get in the car I'll take care of it"

Freya's POV:

I looked in her eyes. She wasn't going to just leave me and my arm was cut pretty bad from the fence. I got in the car and she drove off. I was dazed the whole ride. Tired from the fight and the flashbacks.

We arrived at a building. It was tall. Natasha ordered me to get out of the car and she put her hand on the small of my back guiding me to the elevator and through the building till we made it to her apartment. She unlocked the door and took me to her bathroom "up on the counter" she ordered, I got on the counter and she went into a cabinet getting supplies for my cut. She finally looked up at me and saw the red stain on my upper lip from my nose bleed prior "you got a nose bleed too?" I looked down "no no look up I need to see" she gently tilted my chin and sighed. "It's ok I have something so it won't dry up and cause more pain" she put her hand on the towel but I pressed down "sweetheart it's ok, let it go" I dropped the towel and she examined the small laceration "you'll only need 3 stitches. Then I'm going to give you some stuff for your nose ok?" I shook my head as she pulled out an alcohol-wipe and started to clean it. I flinched and she looked up at me, she pulled me closer to her and put my hand on her arm so I could squeeze it. She finished cleaning it and looked up at me "I have to stitch it or it won't heal ok?" I looked at her "will it hurt?" She put her hand to my face "relax milyy (darling in Russian)" she got me a pillow to hold "I need you to relax this arm hun or it's going to hurt a lot worse" I listened and did my best to relax "that's it good job"

After she finished stitching my arm she dressed the wound and pulled out a nasal spay. As she began to shake it I had another flashback.

"Your annoying me to much it's time you take a nap" my father held me down and sprayed a drug into my nose that put me to sleep.

I panicked and went to jump down but Natasha was standing in front of me "we're not done stay here" she took off the cap and I began to panic "no please, I don't wanna go to sleep" she looked at me and put it down "this isn't going to make you sleep hun, it's saline spray so it stays moist. What makes you think it's gonna put you to sleep?" I look down terrified to answer. She didn't need to know, but I wanted to tell her. Get it off my chest. She watched me and put her head against mine "let me help you" I nodded and she gently tilted my head back spraying the solution into my nose "there your ok". She looked at my shirt covered in splotches of blood "let's get that washed. I'll give you one of my shirts. I want to keep an eye on you" I didn't protest. She was so kind and gentle. I wanted to trust her. Was this love? The love everyone talks about?

Natasha's POV:

She was so sweet. I took her to my room and pulled out a shirt handing it to her "before you go I want to put this tiger balm on your arm. It helps with the bruising" she turned and I put some on her arm "there now get changed" I started to leave but I heard her small voice "you can stay. I don't know if I can even get my shirt off" I turned and looked at her "ok hun I'll stay". She looked weak so I pulled off her shirt for her which revealed her bruises from the week before. My heart sunk I felt it in the pit of my stomach. She turned to me as I gently ran my finger along the contusions that lived on her back "did the tiger balm help? Do you want more" she gently shook her head and I put some on her bruises.

When we finished I unhooked her bra and quickly put on the shirt we had picked out. I didn't look. I was here to take care of her not make her my girlfriend. Just then she turned around and fell into me I picked up her small frame and took her to the couch and set her down. Two weeks ago she looked like she wanted to kill me now she was mess in front of me. I needed to know why, why did she let herself get beaten like this? Or was it that someone beat her up? I looked at her "hun why'd you do it? What happened" she pulled a wad of cash out of her jacket throwing it on the table and looked at me with tears in her eyes "I-I haven't eaten in 2 days and I don't have any money to spare" I rubbed her leg "how big was she?" She rubbed her small palms "5'6". I was shocked she's only 5 feet. I could see she was terrified. Something else happened there but I wasn't going to bother her. While I was thinking I felt her bury herself into my side, she was comfortable with me, I wasn't going to loose that. I grabbed her and gently wrapped my arms around her and played in her hair. She drifted off to sleep.

Ok, ok, I know it's really freaking long but I thought it was cute. Next chapter is coming soon

As always, love you all and thank you❤️

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