Chapter 11:

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Jungkook was hesitating to walk into his own house. He and Namjoon had both been waiting for this moment, and Jungkook was hoping to hear the right thing. If he doesn't, then he is leaving Namjoon. He thought about it a lot. He talked with his parents about it too and, they support him. Everyone is telling Jungkook that he doesn't deserve to be treated like a second choice, and he is finally listening to everyone who cares.

Jungkook put his unsteady hand on the handle of the door, took a deep breath, and walked inside. The place was a disaster. He couldn't believe Namjoon could've done this much damage in only a few hours. "Namjoon?" Jungkook asked, walking around the house, kicking things out of his way. "Namjoon!" Jungkook shouted but, still got no response. He walked upstairs and saw a few alcohol bottles littering the hallway. He sighed as he walked over to the bedroom, assuming Namjoon was passed out in bed.

The younger opened the door, "Joonie, you shouldn't be drinking so mu-" Jungkook started speaking but, paused when he saw the scene in front of him. Jin was in his bed, again. This is exactly what Jungkook was afraid of. The bed that Namjoon and Jungkook shared, made love in. Jungkook fell to the floor crying, he was done. He had no strength in his body to move. He didn't want to believe it but, there was his husband, in their bed, with another man.

"How could you do this, again.." Jungkook cried to himself. Namjoon eventually woke up, hearing Jungkook crying. "Kook?" He asked confused. Not knowing what was happening. Jungkook covered his ears as he hid his face in his knees, he don't want to hear Namjoons lies anymore. Namjoon opened his eyes, and yawned. He reached over to feel the person in bed but, realized they were to big to be Jungkook. Namjoon jumped out of bed, now understanding what the problem was.

Namjoon was wearing some sweatpants but, Jin was wearing nothing. Namjoon ran over to Jungkook, falling to his knees to try and hug the fragile boy but, the smaller pushed him away. "How could you fucking do this to me! Over and over!" He shouted at Namjoon who just stared in shock. "I'm done doing this with you. I'm tired of worrying about you loving me. I'm tired of being second choice! I'm tired of being used!" Jungkook continued yelling at Namjoon. "This marriage is over!" He said in a normal tone, trying to catch his breath. He wiped his tears away but, more kept falling.

He looked to the bed, and saw that Jin was now sitting up, staring at them. "You can have him. I'm done with whatever this is." Jungkook said heartbroken. He took his wedding ring off, looking at it for a minute before hearing Namjoon. "Baby, please don't.." he choked out. "Your sorry's and I love you's aren't going to cut it anymore." Jungkook said, cutting off the older man. Jungkook looked at Jin. "You already took everything from so, why not take this too." He said before throwing his wedding ring across the room towards the bed.

Jungkook then ran out of the house, Namjoon chasing after him but, the younger didn't stop. He ran, got into his car, and drove off. He just wanted to disappear. He didn't want to see anyone, he didn't want to talk to anyone. He just wanted to be alone for a little while so he could clear his head, and stop crying before he had another anxiety attack.




"Taehyung. You're actually married to Mr. Min. Shocker." Lisa spoke with an obvious attitude. Taehyung gave her a smug look, he wasn't thrilled to see her but, he could use his marriage as an advantage. "Yeah, remember when I called you out in front of everyone, and told you I was getting special treatment for sucking off the teacher? That was all true. The part about him filling me up was also true, and-" Taehyung finally shut up when Yoongi lightly smacked him on the back of the head. "She doesn't need to know about our sex life." The man said before clearing his throat and looking up at the woman who was sitting across from him.

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