Chapter 21:

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Jungkook waddled down the stairs while holding his lower back. He felt like he was going to burst into tears from the pain. "Wonshik!" Jungkook shouted out for his boyfriend. He was dressed and ready for their date but, he was hurting. The man rushed over once he heard Jungkook shout for him. " Is everything okay?" He asked placing his hands on the smaller mans shoulders. "My back is hurting so much but, you told me this date was going to be really special so, I don't want to cancel it." Jungkook pouted, then looked down at his bump. "Why are you so mean to me?" He asked the baby in his belly while Wonshiks hands now rested on Jungkooks bump.

"If you're hurting then we can just do this tomorrow instead. I don't want you to go out feeling uncomfortable." Wonshik spoke soothingly while he carefully ran his hands over the mans bump in a massaging way. Jungkook sighed, he was feeling so emotional about so much all day that he had no idea what he wanted to do. "But you said it was going to be special and, I don't want to mess up our plans." Jungkook pouted again, feeling tears well up in his eyes. Wonshiks hands immediately went to Jungkooks face to wipe away any tears that escaped. "Honey. I promise it's okay if we wait and see how you feel tomorrow. The restaurant will still be there. I just want you to feel comfortable."

Jungkook took a few minutes to breath while he latched onto Wonshik. He finally agreed to wait until tomorrow but, he still wasn't happy about it. Wonshik then helped his very pregnant boyfriend back upstairs so he could take a bath and change back into comfy clothes. "After you help me in the tub, can you call my parents to let them know that we changed the date too tomorrow, so they'll have to watch the twins again." Jungkook spoke quietly as he watched Wonshik set up the water for him. "Of course I can baby." The man answered as he turned back to Jungkook. He helped the smaller into the tub and made sure he had everything that he would need in arms reach. "Lets hope the water takes a little pressure off your stomach which, should help get rid of the pain in your lower back. If you need me, just shout for me." Wonshik said before giving Jungkook a few kisses, then leaving the room to call the smaller mans parents.




"How is Taehyung doing?" Wonshik asked as he and Yoongi waited for their coffee to be ready. "I love him but he's killing me right now. What about Jungkook?" Yoongi asked Wonshik after he thanked the girl at the counter for the drinks. "He isn't giving me any problems. The twins are just upset most of the time because they want him to do stuff with us but, he's been hurting a lot the past few weeks so, I want to do this before he has to possibly go on bed rest." Wonshik explained to Yoongi, who knew the whole plan.

"Just tell me a day that he's feeling a little more up to going and, we will definitely do it that day. Taehyung is already dying to talk to Jungkook about it but, I told him he better not ruin this suprise." Yoongi spoke, laughing when he thought of Taehyungs excited reaction. "I did tell him that if he feels okay tomorrow that we can go then." Wonshik answered before taking a sip of his coffee. He wasn't worried or nervous about anything besides Jungkooks well being. He was reaching his eighth month while Taehyung could go into labor any day now. He just wanted to make sure that Jungkook was comfortable so that nothing bad will happen to him or their baby.




"I'm ready, I just need you to help me with my shoes, please." Jungkook asked his boyfriend with a giggle. Wonshik looked ten times more handsome in the suit he was wearing. He had on an all black fitted suit that showed off every muscle in his body. Jungkook couldn't help but continue staring at the man in awe. Wonshik stood back up after helping Jungkook with his shoes. He held out his hands towards the very pregnant man to help him stand up. "You look so handsome. I didn't think it was possible for you to be even more attractive than you already are." Jungkook said with a gentle smile on his face. Wonshik laughed before kissing the back of Jungkooks hand.

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