Chapter 16:

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Today was the day. Another week passed without any problems so, Jungkook finally decided to meet with Jin and hear his side of the story. He was very curious to know what went on between his ex-husband and Jin. Jungkook sat on the couch of Jins beautiful home. He looked around the very comforting living room as he waited for the other to return.

"I'm so glad you're giving me this chance." Jin said sincerely with a soft smile as he walked into the room with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Jungkook laughed to himself. "Why the wine? I'm just here to listen to your side of things." Jungkook explained as he leaned back, lifting his feet up and crossing his legs to get in a more comfortable position. He had no idea how much Jin had in store for him.

Jin sighed as he sat the drinks down on the table. "I just want to try and make this okay. I don't want you to hate me, even though you have ever reason too. I do want to try and be friends with you. I have nobody, Jungkook." Jin explained, making Jungkook feel sort of bad. The smaller male nodded as he looked down at his hands. He began to uncomfortably pick at the hem of Wonshiks sweater that he was wearing as comfort. "Okay well, I promise to listen to everything. I will probably have questions but, I feel like I'm in a place where we can finally talk about this to where I'm not going to cry about everything anymore." Jungkook explained, still looking down at his hands.

Jin poured the sweet tasting wine into both glasses. Jungkook looked up once he heard the drinks being poured. "That smells so nice... Maybe I will have some." He said just before kindly taking the drink from Jin. The older man smiled again, happy that Jungkook accepted. "Before I start, how much time do we have?" Jin asked, getting more comfortable on the couch as well. Jungkook shrugged, "I don't know. Wonshik is with Jimin and Hoseok, helping them build a new patio that have been working on for the past week, Namjoon has the twins, and Yoongi took Taehyung out on a date. Wonshik thinks I'm at home relaxing." He said then laughed before taking a sip of the delicious wine. "This is so good." He said before taking another big sip."

Jin laughed at Jungkooks reaction. "Thank you, it's my favorite." He said with a smile. Jin was happy that the two were getting off to a good start. They've been in the same room without wanting to rip each others heads off, for the first time. Jungkook awkwardly shifted on the couch then let out a sigh. "I think I'm ready. You can begin when you want too." He said, watching the other. Jin nodded, then looked down at his glass. "Well, I guess I can start by saying that, when I saw Namjoon for the first time all those years ago, I felt my happiness return." Jin said then sighed as he looked up at Jungkook. "I hated my parents for sending me to America to study. They didn't want me to date Namjoon, that's why they sent me away. I've never told anybody that. You're the first, and only person to know this." Jin continued, getting a concerned look from Jungkook.

"I usually respect boundaries when people are in a relationship but, I was very jealous that you had the only man I've ever wanted. My plan, like you already know, was to have a three way relationship. This way, we could share Namjoon but, he never said anything to you. He told me it was okay which means, he lied about a lot of things which I didn't know were lies until now." Jin explained but then stopped to take a sip of his wine. "I'm sorry. I did try to manipulate Namjoon to make him want to be with just me but, he told me that you knew that the two of us were having sex, and going on dates, and just hanging out, being a couple." Jin finally spoke then downed the rest of his wine. He began to pour some more for himself, then refilled Jungkooks as well once the man held the empty glass out towards him.

"Namjoon was never really a liar before but, now it seems like everything he's told me over the course of our marriage, was nothing but lies." Jungkook said as Jin finished filling the glass for him. Jin nodded to agree with Jungkook. "I love him more than anything else in this world and, I know he loves me but, this just happened in the worst way possible. I wish it could've been different. I never wanted him to cheat on you but, he always told me you knew and, I believed that he was telling me the truth." Jin spoke as he watched Jungkook expression soften. "If he would've told me that, you had no idea about what was going on the whole time. I would've told him to take care of what he needed to before we began a relationship." Jin said then took a few sips of his wine. He needed it while telling Jungkook what happened.

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