Chpt 14: Dream Is Busy?

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"HELL YEAH TUBBO!!!" Tommy shouted, having an arm around Tubbo. "It will be you and me! Against Dream! Like before! The final show down!" Tommy said, streching his arm out, as if to show the entire world to Tubbo.

"Yeah, Only we Aren't going to kill Dream" Tubbo said. Tommy looked at his best friend shocked, but then remembered their objective. "Right... We're suppose to find ypur boyfriends family" Tommy said, making Tubbo's face go red. "He is not my boyfriend!!" Tubbo shouted, denying what Tommy had said.

"Whatever you say Tubs. Lets go and find Sapnap and George!!" Tommy said, grabbing Tubbo's wrist and running off with his friend being dragged along.

The two searched for Dreams loyal companions, but seemed like they couldn't find the two. They asked around, but no one had seen the two. Odd...

Were they off visiting Dream? Out hunting? Killing mobs nearby? Where ever they were, they had to find them.

They looked everywhere. Calling out their names, in hope of a respons. Aftrr hours and hours, they saw the two walk into L'manberg, both holding stacks of meat. Did no one see them go out hunting? Or did they just bring something back, after their visit with Dream to cover it up?

Tommy approached them, full speed. "GEORGE!!! SAPNAP!!!!" Tommy shouted, running towards the two.

Both of them got their shields, ready to block off Tommy.

"Whats up?" George asked, Sapnap keeping Tommy an armlenght away, not wanting to be tackled by the younger boy. Tubbo smiled at them. "We need to talk to Dream... He knows something that is rather important..." Tubbo said in a serious tone. Sapnap looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Dream knows pretty much everything, Tubbo. What is it?" Sapnap asked, Tommy still trying to tackle the two friends of Dream. "Its about Ranboo-"

"That phsyco!? Tubbo, he attacked you, Phil, Wilbur and Tommy with no reason!! And he just teleported away! He told us he couldn't teleport!" George protested, walking away with the stacks of meat they had gotten.

"Tubbo... George has a point, why would he attack you four, out of everyone in the smp? He doesn't even attack anyone" Sapnap said, as Tommy had gotten tired.

"Sapnap... There might be a nation, where Ranboo once were... Dream could have found that secret nation and in order to keep it hidden, they had to give up one person" Tubbo said and started explaining Ranboo's condition.

Sapnap listened to them. He had to understand how serious this was getting. After alot of explanation, Sapnap nodded. "I'll see if I can arrange a meeting with Dream for you" Sapnap said.

The two boys looked at eachother with excitement. "YES!! We are going to safe the world! Once again!" Tommy said.

"Your not going with him Tommy" Sapnap said, breaking the two friends happy cheer. "WHAT!?!?!?" Tommy was in disbelief.

"Tommy, you have no reason to go with Tubbo" Sapnap said, as Tommy was on shook. He wanted to help Ranboo as well. Maybe not as much as Tubbo, but he still wanted to help! "I'll contact you, if he agrees Tubbo" Sapnap said and walked over to George, leaving the two.

"What the hell!?!?!?!? He can't tell me what to do!" Tommy said crossing arms, cursing under his breathe. Tubbo let out a little chuckle and pat Tommy's back. "It's ok. I think it is to get the least amount of people to see Dream. Besides you would most likely curse at him and attack him, starting another war in our now peaceful L'manberg" Tubbo explained.

The two stayed in L'manberg till' they got an answer. They waited for hours. Days... Weeks... and as it became the next month, they started to get irritated. "Is it really that hard to contact Dream!?" Tommy shouted, annoyed by the fact they had waited for an entire month. Tubbo was patient and could still wait, he was just worried about Ranboo. How was he? Was he ok? Had his illness gone worse? Was he starting to get better?

Only Techno and Phil, knew the answers to this. Ranboo was going on small walks around the house. His hands had been bandaged up, after he had an outbreak last time. He had asked where Tubbo was. When he first woke up to see Tubbo wasn't in the room, he freaked out and got worried. Techno managed to calm him down. Ranboo still had outbreaks and such, some being extremly bad and other times, his body would just kind of Look twisted.

(Here is Ranboo's design, when hid body is twisting

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(Here is Ranboo's design, when hid body is twisting. Its mostly his face and legs, but his clothes become baggy. An enderman is tall and slender, so when Ranboo is in that From He is extremly skinny.)

Ranboo was walking around, banging his head against the doorframe. He had gotten taller over the past month. Ranboo was still getting used to, have to bend down, to go through a door. He just hoped Tubbo would be back soon...

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