Chpt 17: Reunion Lullabies

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As the sunlight came over the horizon, Mary and Roger were already up. They hadn't been able to sleep, just wanting to see their son. Tubbo woke up five hours later. He had just woke up when the two endermen halflings wanted to continue the journey. Tubbo quickly got up and packed the his things, before moving on. 

They walked over mountains, reaching the tall, thick snow. Mary and Roger didn't seem affected by it at all. Tubbo on the other hand, jump through the snow, using almost all his energy to go through it. "Let me help you, little guy" Roger said, picking up Tubbo and putting him on his Shoulders. Tubbo held onto Rogers horns, afraid of falling.

Tubbo directed them the way they needed to go. It was much quicker, with Tubbo onthe endermen halflings shoulders. It only took them 4 hours to reach the village. "A little further that way and we will be At Techno's place" Tubbo said, the two hurrying up, running that direction. Tubbo had a tight grip on Rogers horns, not wanting to fall off. The two stopped looking at the house.

Tubbo got off Rogers shoulders, landing in the thick snow. There, infront of the house, stood Ranboo, getting some fresh air and talking with Tommy.

Tommy wasn't allowed to go with Tubbo, to meet Dream, so he wen't to go check up on Ranboo. The two stood still, looking at the tall boy, at the house. "Ranboo!" Tubbo called out, walking towards him, the pair following him.

Ranboo looked at Tubbo and looked at Roger and Mary. He felt like he had seen them before... He just couldn't remember. The endermen walked towards Tommy and Ranboo, the two being speechless. "Ranboo..." Mary was the first to speak, her voice shaky. Ranboo didn't say anything, looking at the women. "It's you... Your alive..." Mary had tears forming in the corner of her eyes, reaching a hand towards him. 

"I'm Sorry...? Do I know you...?" Ranboo said looking at Mary. Tubbo went towards him. "You probaly don't remember them Ranboo... This is Mary and Roger... Your parents..." Tubbo said, looking at Ranboo's multicoloured eyes. The enderboy looke at Tubbo, his eyes wide open. "Its probaly best if we explain..." Roger said, with a soft voice and a genuine smile. Ranboo nodded and walked inside, the two Endermen halflings following.

Tommy walked over to Tubbo and looked at him. "I don't trust them... something about them seems off... " Tommy said to Tubbo, glaring at the two of them. "Thats understandable... But atleast let Ranboo's parents talk with him and catch up... They have Ranboo's whole life to talk about, after all" Tubbo said Before going inside with Tommy. 

And so they caught up... they used the entire day just talking. It was mostly Ranboo that did the talking, since Mary and Roger asked alot of questions. "So after Dream broke out of prison and escaped, every was on edge. But after about a year, everything was peaceful and alot of things happened, that I can't even explain..." Ranboo finished, closing his memory book. The sun was over the mountains, the last beams of the sun dissapearing slowly. 

"So many things have happened over the years... Last time we saw you, you were just 5 and now... Your 17... So much time we lost... thinking you were dead..." Mary said, Her husband having a hand on her shoulder. 

"What happened to me... Why was I gone for so long..." Ranboo questioned, looking at Roger. "Like Mary said at the start... Dream found our little tribe and promised to keep it a secret, the deal being one child life... We couldn't leave the main camp of our Tribe hide out to find you... Our entire tribe didn't work for months... We couldn't handle the loss of a child... Even the halfings who Aren't even related to you..." Roger explained.

By Ranboo dissapearing, it had meant so much for an entire race. They were gonna spent some family time in the morning. Techno and Philza came home at 2 am. Tubbo and Tommy were already sleeping. They had put out two matresses on the floor. Philza and Techno forced Ranboo to bed.

When Ranboo finally wen't to bed, after explaining the situation of the two strangers in Techno's house they let them be.

When Ranboo slept, Mary would sit at the edge of the bed, looking at him. As she sat there, looking at her son, she felt the happiness she lost so many years ago. The hole in her heart had been filled. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them again, she could see how little Ranboo had changed, atleast in her eyes.

He still had semi-long hair, and clear skin. Mary stroked Ranboo's cheek, humming a small tune of a lullaby she used to sing to Ranboo, when he was a child. The sleeping Enderboy relaxed more, hearing the sweet tunes of his childhood lullaby, going into a peaceful sleep place, with no nightmares. He got a goodnight sleep.

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