Chpt 22: The Last Sunset...

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Ranboo POV.

I had came back and now Tubbo was mad at me. He did have every right to be mad at me for chosing the tribe over my friends. After a few hours I wen't and spoke to Tubbo. We were able to talk things out and things seemed to be alright again.

Things were finally falling into place. "So, Ranboo" Tubbo said as I looked at him. We sat on top a building, that had the view of the prison and L'manberg. "What exactly is the tribe all about?" Tubbo asked me.

I looked away and sighed. "I shouldn't tell you... But you deserve to know... So does Tommy and Phil and, well Everyone..." I said, looking over the land of L'manberg, the sun setting. "In our tribe, we believe in powers of our ancestors and the earth. Kind of like the natives or Wiccas" I tried explaining it Tubbo.

"We live by the laws of Nature... One of the rules is to not speak to humans and other hybrids, who Don't have endermen blood" Tubbo tilted his head at that. "Why not?"

"Because... Many try and kill us when they get the chance... Our powers come from our heart and veins. These powers can actually cure alot of diseases, but... These healing powers require for the halfling to die... So..." I looked away, avoiding Tubbo's gaze.

"Hey, why the long face?" The two of us looked behind us, to see Ghostbur and Tommy. They sat next to us, looking over the land. "So what now?" Tommy asked.

I smiled and looked towards the forest in the far distance.

"We will regain control of L'manberg and get rid of Dream... Once and for all"

"If its the last thing we do..."

(This was the end of the first book named Control!!! I plan on making a second book but I need some rest, like 22 chapters and some inbetweens! Thats a total od about 31-32 parts!!!
Anyway hope you enjoyed this story!)

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