Chpt 15: Meeting With Dream

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The waiting game, is never a fun game to play. Not for alot of people. You could wait for hours, days, weeks...


Even years...

2 months had passed since Sapnap agreed to arrange a meeting. Tubbo had almost forgot. He helped around in L'manberg, fixing the Destroyed buildings. Endermen still roamed the nation, stealing blocks and attacking the people of the nation.

BBH and Skeppy helped alot to. Sapnap was their son, and even though he was an Adult and could take care of himself, they would still get worried. Bad was the one who mostly got worried for his son and wanted him to stop helping Dream.

Sapnap just always replied, that he couldn't, Because he owed Dream everything and going against him, would cause him, his life.

At the moment, Tubbo was laying on the ground, waiting. He was tired of waiting. He just wanted to help his friend, was that to much to ask for? He streched and sat up. Where even was Sapnap? He heard a knock on the door.

Tubbo's goat like ears twitched at the sound as he stood up. He walked towards the oak wooden door and grabbed the door knob.

Opening the door, on the other side of it, stood Sapnap. "Follow me Tubbo... Dream wants to meet you immediatly..." Sapnap said. The smaller boy nodded at his words and Followed him.

They walked for hours, going Through rivers and bushes. Tubbo thought through the tough landscape, in order to keep up with Sapnap. The sun was shinning bright. There was almost no clouds in the sky. Sapnap stopped in his tracks and looked back at Tubbo. "Wait here... I will inform Dream presence... It may take a couple of minutes... Maybe an hour..." Sapnap said and left Tubbo in the clearing, in the middle of the woods. It wasn't that cold, since the sun was warming the forest ground.

Might as well get comfy. Tubbo sat on a log and looked at the clear blue sky, white fluffy clouds passing by slowly. Like Sapnap had said, an hour passed. There was nothing to do.

"Hello Tubbo..." A dangerously farmiliar voice said, making the poor boy jump. He got out his sword quickly in defense, turning to look at his opponent. It was Dream.

Dream wasen't exactly friends with the other members of the SMP. He was just there to cause chaos. Not anymore though. He lived somewhere in the shadow of the woods. "Tubbo, I didn't come here to fight... What do you want?" Dream asked, sitting down on the log.

Tubbo lowered his sword and gulped. He didn't like the fact that he was alone with Dream. "Its about Ranboo... He has developed an illness that only endermen halflings get..." Tubbo explained.

"It was about time as well" Dream said, and looked to the skies. "I want to find Ranboo's family... I know that they are hidden somewhere and that you know where" Tubbo said, the grip around his sword tightening. Dream looked back at the boy and sighed.

"Well Yeah, they are, the thing is..." Dream paused, making Tubbo look at him. "No one is meant to find them. I can't bring you there, and I can't tell them about Ranboo" Dream had explained. This confused Tubbo. Did he have a reason to hide Ranboo?

"But why can't you tell them?" Tubbo asked. Dream stood up and walked over to Tubbo. They were now face to face. Dream leaned closer to Tubbo's ear. "They think I killed him..." Dream whispered.

Tubbo seemed confused. Not about the killing part, but why whisper? Unless... Tubbo set off into a sprint, escaping from Dream. He jumped up onto a tree branch and got on it. He stood up straight and took in a deep breath.

" RANBOO IS ALIVE!!!!!" Tubbo screamed at the top of his lungs over and over. "What are you doing!? Get down from there!" Dream demanded, trying to get Tubbo down. Dream once again had no reason to. He could let Tubbo scream at the top of his Lungs and seem like a maniac.

Tubbo wasen't stupid. Dream whispered to Tubbo, Because they were close by. Before Tubbo Could scream that Ranboo was alive once again, Dream pulled at Tubbo's angle, making him fall to the ground. "Shut up!" Dream whisper Yelled, holding onto the coloar of Tubbo's shirt.

There was a sound of a twig snapping. The two of them turned their head to the noise, Dream dissapearing, leaving Tubbo to defend himself. He got his sword, looking to the shadows.....


Cliffhanger? Ye

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