Chpt 2: The Nether

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The five males went through the portal to the other side. Ranboo hadn't been to the nether before. To him, it was absoloutly divine. He felt some kind of belonging there. He looked at the many creatures that were there. He had maybe been standing and enjoying the view a bit too long, because Phil pulled him out of the opened roughly. Ranboo was about to protest, but Phil but a finger over his lips, signing Ranboo to stay quiet. A ghast flew past the nether Portal they came from. If Ranboo had continued to stand there, He would have been seriously hurt, if not killed. 

Ranboo looked at the Ghast, finding it divine and beautiful. It was probaly because he had never seen one before. Tubbo noticed Ranboo's interrested in the smallest things about the nether. He found it rather adorable, that Ranboo was just a tall, loveable and forgetful dork. 

"Ranboo, be more careful. The endermen may be nice to you, but these creatures aren't" Phil lectured Ranboo and went back out into the open. Phil unfolded his black crow wings and scanned the area. Tommy, just looked at Philza, for once listening to him, which Ranboo thought was odd. Was the nether really that dangerous?

A Zombie pigmen walked around, looking at Philza. Ranboo thought it was gonna attack Phil, but it just walked past him. "Its alright, You guys know how to defend yourself" Phil said, Tommy pushing Ranboo, Ghostbur and Tubbo out the way so he could run off and explore. 

Ghostbur walked around carelessly, just enjoying the view. "Tubbo, Ranboo, I want you two to get some enderpearls. We could get an eye of ender and defeat the ender dragon at some point" Philza said, Tubbo nodding and looked at Ranboo. 

The small boy dragged Ranboo away from the others, running around the nether. This confused Ranboo. If the nether was so dangerous, why run around like nothing is wrong. Tubbo looked at Ranboo and realized. "Ranboo, do you know how to get ender pearls?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo shook his head no. 

Tubbo seemed a bit uncomfortable with what had to be done. Tubbo looked at the small green place. "M-Maybe you can ask them for Ender pearls" Tubbo said walking to the green area, Ranboo following. When Ranboo entered the area it seemed so peaceful. He felt really at home. A strong connection. The few endermen that were there, went over to Ranboo and started talking over each other. Ranboo couldn't understand them, because they were all bickering and speaking over each other. 

They started nuzzeling into Ranboo, hugging him and embracing him. Tubbo laughed, finding it adorable how Ranboo was being embraced by all these stranger Endermen. Ranboo let out an endermen like screech, the endermen backing off. The screech echoed through out the nether. 

Tommy was currently fighting off a Blaze. Tommy heard a loud screech, turning towards the sound. The Blaze seemed almost frightened, going close to the ground. Ghostbur was with Tommy and found it weird. Phil also heard the screech and the Ghast were all going the opposite directions. The three ran towards the screech. Whatever made that noise, had frightened the other Nether creatures. 

Meanwhile Ranboo had a look of rage and aggression written all over him. Tubbo backed off, holding his ears. It was loud and it rung through Tubbo's ears. Ranboo stood up straight, his eyes glowing. Tommy, Ghostbur and Philza appeared at the seen, to see Ranboo, looking proud, head high. He looked almost majestic, as the endermen backe off slightly. 

Tommy went over to Tubbo and looked at him. He whispered to his friend. "Whats going on with Ranboo...?"

Tubbo was shacking a bit and uncovered his ears. "No clue..." He whispered back. Ranboo let out another Endermen Screech, but not as loud this time. The Endermen gave Ranboo Alot and I mean ALOT of enderpearls. With one endermen like growl from Ranboo and the endermens were gone. 

"Ranboo?" Philza was the first to speak, going closer to Ranboo. The tall boys legs started getting wobbly, and not long after he collapsed onto the ground. "Ranboo!?" Philza got over and crouched down beside Ranboo. Tommy and Ghostbur took the Enderpearls, as Philza started to see If Ranboo was ok. He was. But he was passed out. 

It was gonna be hard to carry him back home, since he was inhumanly tall. "Tubbo... A little help?" Philza said as he tried to carry Ranboo back home. Tubbo went over to help him, as they all went back to the nether portal...

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