Chpt 20: Laws And Such

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Ranboo POV:

I should stay loyal to my tribe! But, I can't just leave Tubbo! My heart was torn in two. I heard light sobbing and looked at Tubbo once again. Was he... Crying?

I couldn't stand it. I pulled Tubbo into my embrace, hugging him. "Tubbo I'm sorry... I just had to know who I was... I didn't mean to leave you and cause you pain..." I said in a soft tone. We stayed like that for what felt like hours in silence. "Don't leave again..." I heard Tubbo say. I had to! My tribe was in possible danger... We were so close to finding the thing that had been spying on our camp.

"Tubbo... I Don't wan't to leave you... But I have to go. I can't explain it to you now, just please understand..." I Said, looking at Tubbo. He wouldn't let go of me. I knew he didn't wan't me to leave and I felt heartbroken just thinking about leaving one of my closest friends.

"Ranboo!!! Hurry up!!! I am loosing track of it!!!" Sheila shouted in the distance.

Tubbo's POV:

He can't just leave me! I won't allow it! He can atleast bring me with him. "Tubbo... Its only going to be a few minutes, we are so close now..." I heard Ranboo's soft voice say. I Didn't care! Screw his stupid tribe!

I felt myself being pulled out off Ranboo's embrace roughly. Ranboo was pushing me away... That just made me feel worse. "Tubbo I can't strech this longer! I have to go!" Ranboo said, an purple aura surronding him and in a split second, he was gone. He had left me again... AGAIN!!!

I felt betrayed, alone and heartbroken. How could he!?

Ranboo's POV (Sorry I keep changing POV's I'm lazy)

Me and Sheila found the creature to be one of Philza's crows. We had no choice but to kill it then and there, since it could give information to Philza. "So, did you catch up with your boyfriend?" Sheila asked me. I looked at her rather shocked. "Tubbo's not my boyfriend" I told her looking at the dead bird.

"Whatever you say... We should get back to the tribe... Take the bird with you" Sheila said, getting ready to leave. "Sheila... Can you tell the tribe that I will be staying in L'manberg for some time...?" I asked her, looking at the tribe member.

Her eyes turned soft as she looked at me. "Ranboo... You know it goes against our tribe law to be with humans, without the shamans approval and luck" Sheila told me. I avoided her gaze and looked at the ground.

"I know... I just... Miss my friends" I told her. I felt a reasurring hand on my shoulder. "Ran... I know all this tribe law and culture is still new to you... But the law has kept us alive for centuries..." She explained to me. I still didn't look at her.

I heard her let out an annoyed groan. "Fine! But only this once!!! You have to be back in the tribe base before the moon is setting!!!" Sheila told me strictly. I hugged her tightly as she wiggled to get out of my embrace.

"Let go off me you big moose!" She said as I laughed. "Thank you Sheila" I said as I left to go find Tubbo.

(Short Chpt, but better than nothing)

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