Christmas in a Cup

656 13 2

Author: theflowerprincesleeps



Harry suggests Liam try this tiny little coffee shop. Liam does. He meets Zayn.

Liam couldn't help but feel comfortably cramped inside this tiny little coffee shop. A wooden interior and the scent of gingerbread and steaming coffee mixing in the chilly air outside felt like a log cabin doused in Christmas. Liam liked the cozy sensation and the many people in line were quietly chattering and offering small smiles to other patrons. Liam imagined if there was a burning fireplace the shop would be completely and utterly perfect.

Liam shifted from one foot to another, even though the people seemed friendly and he was so comfortable, the line was ridiculously long. Liam had arrived at the cafe at exactly ten this cold morning. It was now ten eighteen, he'd been standing in line for nearly twenty minutes.

At this rate he wouldn't get out of here for a while because there had to be at least seven people in front of him. Then he had to consider that there were still quite a bit of people who had already ordered and were waiting for their drinks and such.

Liam was just happy he hadn't had to be anywhere important today or had class.

Liam has classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the university not too far from here. He liked having Tuesdays and Thursdays to himself to catch up and study or make trips around the city. Then he had the weekends as well to just do more school work and if he got lucky: sleep.

The people in the line—now growing impatient—were starting to lose that friendly feel and Liam could tell due to the increasing number of huffs and puffs. People glancing to their phones for the time and sighing obnoxiously loud.

But in truth, Liam never really intended on even coming here today. He saw this little shop but was going to ignore it.

That's what you do in New York City, the place is always moving, always changing but you just ignore it. He's only here today because of his friend Harry, who'd become a regular after tasting a blueberry muffin and some mocha stuff (and Harry claims that this place is like, Starbucks good). After Harry's constant harassment and prodding at Liam's sanity Liam finally agreed he would try it.

The place was called Christmas in a Cup, which seemed fitting.

So now here he is.

Liam let out a long breath as it was his turn to order. A girl with skin the same color of coffee with a few shots of creamer smiled as he approached. He couldn't help but notice she had a hint of a southern accent.

"Uh, I, um...I think I'll get a hot chocolate."

The girl punched in some stuff on the register and asked, "Anything else sug?"

Liam wondered if he should get a muffin, or a slice of cake, or...

"Hurry the hell up," someone mumbled behind them, Liam took a quick glance back. The line had grown by at least six more people. He turned back to the cashier and quickly added, "Can you add whip cream, and possibly a shot of peppermint extract?"

The cashier girl smiled and asked Liam what size drink he wanted and he replied quickly once again when he heard a sting of teeth sucking. The girl waited as Liam fumbled with his wallet and then paid her after she called out the price. The machine printed out a receipt and she handed it to him. He left the line hoping to score a table or something to sit at while he waited. He wasn't as lucky as he'd wanted and ended up having to stand crammed between other slightly shivering bodies.

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