cold as fire, baby, hot as ice

540 7 0

Author: shinywhimsy



"really hurt me in my, uh, unmentionables" (or the one where zayn takes care of liam's poor abused bits)

So maybe it hadn't been the brightest idea and maybe Liam's enthusiasm and competitiveness had once again bitten him in the arse. Or, more accurately, hit him in the balls. But records were made to be broken and Zayn had been so into it too that Liam hadn't even considered the possibility that bursting over forty balloons with his bum might smart a bit. In the rush of adrenaline, it hadn't registered that he might suffer later, even after the first round had already made things quite uncomfortable down under.

Afterwards, the silly Payne Train costume had been a bit of a blessing, really, and maybe he'd lied a bit when he'd said that he wanted to keep it on to rub his wrestling victory in everyone's faces when it had really been more about keeping his bits free from the constriction of the tight jeans Caroline had chosen for him. He'll apologise to her when he's not curled up on the sofa in his hotel room, pathetically cupping himself.

Also on the list of ideas that are not his brightest was probably curling up on this sofa, showered but only wearing a towel, to wait for the ice pack he'd called room service for, because it meant he'd have to get up and possibly flash someone more than they asked for when it arrived. He hated the mere possibility of being called a spoiled brat but maybe this was one of those situations where it was okay to get your people to do things for you. Three years plus and he still forgets that he actually has people to do things for him.

When, instead of knocking, there's the click of the door unlocking and opening, Liam's startled from the light doze he'd fallen into to see Zayn sticking his head inside and looking around, lips parting as if he's about to call out when their eyes meet. "Li? What's wrong?" He sounds and looks worried as he crosses the room to kneel by Liam's head, his eyebrows scrunching adorably as one hand goes to the back of Liam's neck and squeezes. The concern makes Liam flush, only partially from the embarrassment of having to talk about it. "You okay, babe?"

"I'm okay," Liam answers and then blows out a breath when Zayn raises an eyebrow, no words needed to express his disbelief. "Popping balloons with my bits wasn't the smartest idea we've ever had?"

"Oh, that," Zayn says softly, the relief visible on the soft smile on his face and in the way his shoulders drop as he strokes Liam's hair. "Need any help?"

"Not much can be done? I'm waiting for an ice pack."

"Oh, that'll be fun," Zayn cringes, his hand moving to gently stroke Liam's arm when there's a knock on the door. "Go on to bed, I'll get it."

Zayn gets up and walks over to the door before Liam can voice any protest, which is good because he would have been lying if he'd said he was anything but pleased to have Zayn looking out for him. Gripping the towel tighter, he makes his way to the bed, pulling back the sheets and lying on his back, pleased that moving hadn't been as bad as he'd anticipated.

Liam is nearly dozing off again when there's the rattle of what's likely a pill bottle and the bed moves, Zayn's weight shifting the mattress and jostling him awake, while soft fingers touch his face. "Aren't you glad I was the one to come looking for you instead of Louis, who would have likely woken you up just now by placing this very cold thing somewhere really vulnerable without any warning?"

Liam chuckles, leaning his cheek into Zayn's fingers and placing a soft kiss on the palm of his hand. "Yes, cheers."

"Now, c'mon, towel off and show me the goods, Payne."

ZIAM ONE-SHOTS (BOTTOM LIAM)Where stories live. Discover now