Blood Trials 2

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Chap 2: Brother

"What do you want to do?" I asked, eyeing her out of the corner of my eye.

"Um...dunno, suppose we should keep moving." She replied, giving me a small smile.

"Smiling? I swear I haven't seen that in forever." I chuckled.

"Oh shut up Zayn!" She said; give me a hard swift punch to the shoulder.

"Ow! Dammit Doniya that hurts! You are such a man..." She stood and stretched.

"Ya, you always underestimate how strong I am, it pisses me off." She said, giving me her famous stink eye.

"I know, it's a fault of mine..." She kept both hands on the back of her head.

"It really is beautiful though...I'm glad you talked me into coming up here." I stared down at the city, could see all the cars moving, the lights shining, the sun least I used to be able to see all of that.

"You're welcome; I told you the view of the sky up here is to die for..."

"Ya...ya you did."

"The world ends but the sun always rises, always sets...I wish you could have seen it when the city still lit up, when you could see the cars, the boats moving in the harbor...beautiful."

"Zayn...what do you think happens when we die? And I don't mean coming back to life I mean...when we really die, no coming back." I stared at the setting sun, I didn't want to lose this sight again, I wanted to remember this.

"I don't have an answer to that Doniya...but I promise one day when I figure it out I'll tell you alright?" She looked down and smiled.

"You never keep your promises Zayn, that's why you never make them remember?" I laughed.

"I'll try this time alright? I'll try..."

"Um...excuse me?" I shot up and quickly pulled out my revolver; Doniya turned on the car hood and already had her own handgun out. We both stared at a boy in a pair of skinny jeans, a very loose shirt, and a head of curls that kind of blew my mind.

"Woah! Please I don't mean any harm...I just haven't seen another live person in a while...please I don't have any weapons and I'm alone, you can check me if you want."

"What do you want?" Doniya said, eyeing the boy. He suddenly smiled and let out a laugh.

"To be honest, I would kill for a piece of Pizza right now if you got it." I let out a small laugh, unable to help myself because he just said it so innocently.

"Sorry mate, we don't have any pizza..."

"Aww dammit! Can't find a piece of pizza anywhere!" he huffed, stomping on the ground.

"Well, sorry for bothering you." He said, waving. He turned to leave, Doniya looked completely stunned and I couldn't quite believe it either.

"Wait!" I yelled after him. He turned.


"Do you have any food at all? Do you have any weapons, medicine, extra clothes....anything?"

"Not really, I did just find these clothes but it's been like, 2 days since I had anything to eat." He said with a frown.

"I just really want some pizza...god I'd punch a hundred walkers in the face for a piece of pizza." He rubbed his stomach and I laughed.

"Alright dude, come here we got some food..." His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"W-hat?! Really!? Awesome!" I put my gun away, Doniya did too but she looked down at me concerned.

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