Blinding fear

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It hurt her to watch such a fragile girl being verbally abused by her own mother. A girl who was sitting in a corner visibly shaking as her mother shouted at her. Screaming about the control the young girl lacked, raging about the damage to reputations, and listing every short coming that the princess had ever made. When the Solarian queen had finally exhausted everything and anything she could say to her daughter, she turned to look at the headmistress.

"You can fix her?"

"I'll teach her to control her magic yes."

"I'll leave her here then."

The queen turned to leave and the headmistress nodded her head as she left.

"Your majesty."

She waited until the monarch was gone before turning back to the princess who stared at her, fear filling her gaze.

"Are you hurt?"

The girl shook her head.

"Only Ricki."

A single tear fell from the teenagers face.

"It won't happen again."


"You will learn to control your magic."

"You make it sound so simple."

"It won't be."

The young blonde nodded, grateful for the truthful words her headmistress spoke.

"When do we start."

"Tomorrow, when you have properly settled in."

"You can fix me."

"Not fix, control your magic. You are not broken Stella."


"I couldn't care less what your mother has said to you at this point. You are not an inanimate object, you are a fairy with your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Those can be hard to control, even for the most advanced fairies."

The princess sighed and looked up once more at the headmistress.

"Everyone will think I did it on purpose. I wasn't even allowed to apologise and I'm not allowed to see Ricki anymore."

This time the headmistress' words failed her. She moved to sit beside the teenager.

"I don't know what to say to that, and I haven't got answers for you. All I can say is that I will help you to control your magic, then, when you are older, and no longer controlled by your mother, I'm sure you will find your own way to come to terms with Ricki again."

"What if I can't control my magic?"

"You will."

"How do you know?"

"Because I do."

Seeing the doubt flickering in her students eyes, the headmistress wrapped an arm around her charge and drew her close. The girl stiffened at first, unused to displays of affection but soon leaned into the touch. The headmistress lowered her head so that it rested on the princess'.

"I promise."

Two simple words, and yet they meant the whole world to the young Solarian royal.

"Thank you."

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