Then and now

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Flashing lights, music pounding around the room, the smell of alcohol clinging to people, bodies filling the dance floor, and her specialist, her partner holding out his hand.

A smile twitches at the corner of the headmistress' lips as she watches the specialist from that night take inventory of the equipment used during the days training. The music coming from the students party can be heard all around them, they used to be a lot more subtle.

Walking through the courtyard the specialist tilts his head to observe the fairy ahead of him. He remembers their party, watching the hazel eyed mind fairy hesitantly take his hand as he guided her to the dance floor, becoming the anchor she needed in the crowded space. Stopping, he takes a breath before calling out to her.

She turns and see's grey eyes filled with the happy spark she's come to love.


He holds out his hand, just like he did on the first dance they shared.

"Dance with me."

As if the world had heard them, a slow song started playing above them. Arms wrap themselves around the headmistress' waist as her own clasp around the back of her partners neck. Her head falls gently into the crook of his neck and she can feel him press a kiss against her hair.

Their first dance had been fast, exciting, and adrenaline had been pounding through their body. The song had a thrumming bass that made them feel every beat through their entire body.

This was slow, gentle, full of comfort and love. They swayed their bodies gently to the soft melody that echoed around the open space.

Looking up, the mind fairy place ran a hand over the stubble on her partners face.

"It's still so quiet around you, I've always loved that. Especially now that we run a school full of wild, hormonal teenagers."

"And I have always loved the small smile that crosses your lips, and the small sigh you breathe as your eyes light up when you feel the quiet. Especially now that you haven't been able to notice that there are wild, hormonal, teenagers on their way back to bed that are now lining the corridors above us."

Looking up the fairy spots the students, some of whom are slumped against the walls. Turning the stern headmistress look that she has upon each one of them.

"Go to bed. Now"

The next day, those who have not been as inflicted with drink as the other and can remember spread the news that their heads of the school are together. Smiles are sent their way and well-meaning whispers and grins fill the hallways when they walk together.

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