The Introduction of Hoodie

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Here is the story of Hoodie if you don't know it. I don't own this story of how Hoodie started.

Slenderman walked in the forest normally like he would always do on his daily routes, stalking children and such. He usually stopped at this particular park near an elementary school, to watch and study the humans. On his way back he felt he himself was being watched, he turned sharply and quick to see who would follow such a monster like him, but when he turned around no one was there.

The boy in the oversized beige colored hoodie noticed the tall man watching his school mates one afternoon, he would see this man there everyday for weeks to come. He wanted to ask the formally dressed man why he did such, but always got too nervous to go up to him and ask himself. So the young boy decided to follow him.

Slenderman smelt the human, the young child's fear was way too noticeable for him to not. He proceed to approach the tree the hooded adolescent was hiding behind, but stopped. Slenderman knows hes scared, his job is to make children scared thats just what he did. He turned and teleported away.

The boy in the oversized hoodie waited for a few seconds to turn around and see is the tall man was there. He looked on the ground and found a tree branch, he picked it up and wielded it. He heard a gust of wind and spun around, the man was gone. The boy breathed heavy and started to walk back to the park, he wait for his mom to pick him up and take him home.

'Ahhh, i can't believe i was too shy to approach him,' the boy thought to himself. He laid down under a shady tree next to his favorite swing set he stared up into the clouds and thought, 'why does he watch everyone all the time it's so creepy! Someone need to tell him to knock it off.' He laid under the tree in the snow for about 15 minutes and would think to himself, 'why does he dress up so nicely just to look at people?'

"HEY! Come on, get in!" He heard his mother shout from the car. "Comin'!'" The hooded boy said. Jumping up and grabbing his school bag. He hopped in the back seat and the boys brother shouted from the front, "That's where my sweater has been, you little punk!" "YEA, and it smells nasty JUST LIKE YOU!" the hooded boy shouted. "Sweetie, will you please take off that hood, you look like a little thug." Their mom asked him "Aw, come on mom im in 6th grade now i can do whatever i want with my clothes!" He begged. "You mean MY clothes pipsqueak . . ." The older boy in the front whispered. "Fine, i know its your hoodie i was just borrowing it sheesh it gets cold around this time of year. . ."

When the family got home the oldest son took the car and left to go meet up with some friends, "Why does he always leave?" the boy asked his mom, "well i'm sure over this weekend he'll spend some time with you," she said smiling. "Do you want hot cocoa after i start up a fire?" she asked him kicking some snow away from the front door. "Yea sure," he replied.

The hooded childs' life was unfulfilling, he was unhappy with home life, after his father died, he too felt there was no purpose of living. The hooded boy tried to commit suicide numerous times, but could never pull through with it. All he had left of his Dad is a butterfly knife.

The Slenderman had to confront his stalker, he went about his normal route and followed his scent, he was lead to a old track home. The scent was strong, but it was even stronger in a different direction, so he followed the stronger scent. It was a boy in his late teens, he was at that park with some other male humans. Slenderman studied his actions, and plotted his death. No humans are suppose to know he even exists. He was eager to possess his life. He watched him live and be for a few short hours. He then headed back to his home, as did the teen.

"Ah, your home! why don't you spend some time with that brother of yours?" Their mom suggested. "Oh alright," the oldest son said. He went up to his room and grabbed a small clear tub filled with Lego's and Bionicle's. "Aw for real! You'd actually hang with me?!" The hooded boy asked. "Eh, sure i like Lego's anyway," the older brother smiled playfully.

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