Chapter Seven

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Jadyn's POV

I was awoken by my alarm going off early in the morning. I rolled around in my bed and shut it off. The days seem to just be leaving with a brush of a shoulder. It was already Monday morning and I spent the whole Sunday replaying Saturday night in my head. I still can't believe I had the courage to say that to Jace. I was glad I did it even if it meant I could never kiss Jace like that again. I walked into my closet, and decided on wearing a pair of denim shorts, a white cami, and a gray cardigan. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I was done I stared at my reflection in my full length mirror, and decide to just put my hair in a messy high-top bun. I couldn't find my contact lenses case, so I just put on my glasses. On the way out of my room I got my white converse and slipped them on. I got into my red Chevy Camaro, and drove to school.

I walked into the school and headed to get my stuff for English. I shut my locker, and there was Kasey looking at me wide eyed. I jumped back a little startled, and put my hand on my heart. "Kase, you scared the living hell out of me." When I said that she burst into laughter. I started walking away. Kasey came up running after me and intertwined our arms together.

"How is it that no matter what you wear you manage to look hot?" I shrugged my shoulder. I didn't think that I was hot, nor ugly. I just thought that I was average looking. I didn't even put that much effort into my appearance.

"Don't shrug your shoulders. I hate that you don't think you're pretty when you are the prettiest girl I have seen in this school. Well of course besides me." I elbowed her in the side. "Besides that I mean you're wearing glasses. There are people that can't pull of glasses, but you can work it." She snapped her fingers when she said work it causing me to burst out laughing. I mocked her snapping her finger before walking away and heading to English. I took a seat in the middle of the class. The room was starting to fill with rowdy students. I was starting at the door waiting for the teacher to walk in. The bell was about to ring, and in walked Jace. I started at him awestruck. He made the simplest clothes look amazing on him. He had on khaki joggers with a gray shirt, and a black leather jacket. He looked around the classroom before his eyes landed on me. I looked at the vacant seats at my side, and I knew that he was going to sit next to me. I didn't really think this through. How was I going to get through seeing him every day until graduation? I was caught up in my thoughts when I heard someone say hi. I turned my head, and to my left was of course Jace.

"Hey." He was about to say something when a sub walked in through the door.

"Good Morning everyone my name is Mr. Scott." The class stayed silent for a minute. I'm guessing he was waiting for someone to say something back. When he noticed that no one was going to answer he started talking again. "Okay. Well anyways Mrs. Firestone could not make it today due to personal reasons, but she has left enough work to leave you occupied for the remainder of the class. I will be passing around a piece of paper, and a pen. When you receive the paper please write your name down otherwise you will be marked absent."

He picked up a stack of paper and went down the rows handing them out. I looked at the paper, and realized we had done this for homework already. I was almost done with the paper. When I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I turned to see Jace's confused face. "Can you help me? I still don't fully understand any of this." I nodded my head yes, and brought my chair closer to his desk. I was helping him get the worksheet done. When I felt his hand rest on top of mine. I looked at him, and he was staring at me directly in the eyes. I felt this sweet sensation go through me when Jace was touching my hand. "I never knew that you wear glasses." He said.

"Yeah. I don't like wearing them that much."

"You should it makes you look really smart." He grinned before going back to his work and answering the question. The rest of the day was just a blur. I'm in my last period of the day, Math, I was just looking out the window wondering why my mom had left so soon. When I heard my name being called.

"Jadyn I asked you a question?"

"Can you repeat the question again?" I heard snickers coming from around the classroom. I looked around and gave them all deathly stares, and they stopped laughing.

"Never mind Jadyn. Just pay attention next time."

"Yes. Sir." The rest of the period I spent staring at the teacher making it seem like I was actually paying attention. When the bell finally rung. I quickly got up and packed my stuff. I headed to my locker to put away all the things I didn't need. I felt like I wasn't really even here all day. I mean my body physically was here, but my mind was a million miles away. I closed the locker door, and turned around. I was shocked when I saw Jace standing in front of me. He started to put his hand near my face. I thought he was going to remove a stray eyelash, but no. Out of everything that I though he would do. He did the unexpected. He grabbed my glasses of my face, and started running away. I quickly chased after him.

"JACE....... What the hell? Why are you doing this?" I chased him all throughout the school. Every few seconds he would look back and smirk at me. I was about to catch up with him when he abruptly turned the corner. I turned the corner but he was nowhere to be seen. I turned around in a circle before starting to walk to the end of the hall. I felt someone grab me by my waist and pull me into an empty classroom. "Ahh. Let me go." I pounded my fist into their chest.

"Oww." I recognized that voice. Jace. I jumped on top of him and he fell to the ground. I sat on top of him and kept on hitting his chest.

"Why did you take my glasses? I'm never wearing my glasses again because of you."

"Oww. Okay Jay stop." I didn't stop though I just kept on hitting his chest.

"Okay. Jay stop. You're hurting me. Damn you are fucking strong." I felt his hand go to my waist, and then he lifted me off of him and set me on the floor beside him. He quickly got up and picked me up and put me on the desk. Oh God if he was going to kiss me again I would die. I don't think that I could handle that.

"I'm sorry. Okay. Please wear your glasses again. I meant when I said that you looked smart when you wear glasses. I swear that I will never take them again." He then gently pushed my glasses back on my face. "There now let's go and get something to eat."

"Okay. Let's go. I jumped off the desk and headed towards the door. Jace quickly ran after me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I tensed up. I guess he felt it, because he said "Don't worry okay. We're just friends this, moving his arm, doesn't mean anything. Just friends." He smiled. When he said that my heart just got crushed. To make it seem like I was over it I said,

"Okay then this doesn't mean anything either." I wrapped my arm around his waist, and smiled. We stayed like that until we arrived at the parking lot, and made our way to our cars.

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