Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up to a light shining in through the crack under my door. My eyes change from sleep deprived to alert in a second. I head for my closet picking up the metal bat I started keeping there for safe keeping. I started to slowly tip toe down the stairs and head to the living room where all the rustle was coming from. I bring the bat up and am about to swing when I recognize the jet black hair curled to perfection bouncing up and down with every step Kasey takes.

I throw the bat to the side and it makes a loud bang when it hits the hard wood floor. Kasey abruptly turns around with her hand in fist getting ready to punch the crap out of who ever she thought was there. " Woah!" I hold my hand up in surrender and slowly start to approach her.

"Did someone rob you or something . There is absolutely no food here." I laughed and went to close the fridge.

"Let me put on some shoes on and we can go buy some stuff to fill my fridge." I leave Kasey downstairs and go to my sock drawer and take out my elite socks and my slides and slip then on. I skip down the stairs and almost trip over my own feet. "Let's go." I grab my keys off the hook and head out the front door.

"Hold up. I was in the bathroom. Couldn't you wait until I finished taking a piss." I let out a tiny chuckle and walked to my car. I got in and turned up the radio before driving off to the supermarket.

"So... how's it going with Chris?" Kasey asks me. to which I slightly look her way before looking back ahead.

"It's fine. Everything is great except last night he told me that he loved. But I don't remember if I said it back. Im not sure if I do. There's a possibility that maybe I do but then again I'm not the type of person to get attached like that. I don't know what to do and I can't avoid him forever."

"What??!!? Jay. You should know. When you know you know." I slumped my shoulder forward and kept driving.

"I know Kase, but I don't know. I have tried so hard to just not be attached to someone so hard that when they leave I will be heartbroken again."

"Aww. Jay, if someone is to leave its you. That guy has never in all my time of knowing him ever told a girl that he loves them. He wouldn't leave you for anything."


"Yes, really."

"I still don't know though."

"Do you love ice cream?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask with a confused tone.

"Just answer the question." She demanded.

"Geez. Yes I love ice cream."

"New shoes?"


"Six Flags?"


"Your car?"


"Your phone?"


"Blake Lively?"


"Daniel Radcliffe?"




"Teen Wolf?"


"Dylan O'Brien?"


"Christopher Values?"


"Wait. Did I just say that?"

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