Chapter Twelve

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Jadyn's POV

My mother's dead body is a reminder of everything that I have lost. It's a reminder that people will die, and leave the ones they love behind. They left me, my parents, but I now know that they wouldn't if they had a choice. I blamed my mom for leaving me, but it wasn't her choice. I have gotten pass my stage of denial. I'll never forget them, but I shouldn't blame them. The funeral was just like she would have wanted it. It's a bright, and sunny day. The wind is rushing through my hair. Rustling the leaves that are still scattered on the ground. It was perfect. It made the loss of her life a little more bearable. The beauty, and the peacefulness of nature always manages to lift my spirits. To my side is Kasey, but Jace is nowhere to be found. I looked all around the graveyard, and all I saw was sad faces with tears in their eyes. Which just made me depressed. Everyone keep asking me if I'm okay. I'm clearly not, but those who ask me just make me want to cry. I just need someone to be here for me to hold my hand. I have Kasey, but I have something in my heart telling me that I want Jace by my side too.

I was still in search for Jace when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I slightly turned my head around, and saw Jace standing there. I let go of Kasey's hand and enveloped Jace into a tight hug. When he hugged me back I inhaled and took in the smell of the forest and the cool breeze mixed together. Just his sent calmed me down. I need his comfort.

"Hey." His deep voice rang through my ears. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. His eyes held sympathy, and comfort.

"Hey." I responded. If I were to talk to a random stranger they could tell that I was on the verge of crying. I've cried so much this past week. I'm just glad I have true friends who are sticking by my side. I grabbed Jace's hand, and lead him to where I left Kasey standing. The funeral was more bearable than I thought it would be. I guess. I don't really think I know what I feel anymore. Maybe, it's just that I can't really say anything without sounding like a bitch. If I could I would just stayed locked up all day in my room.

********THREE WEEKS LATER *********

It's been three weeks since the funeral. I could say that I have had better days. The first week after I was a mess. I drank all the alcohol that my mom had in the house which was a lot. One time when Jace, and Kasey came over they found me passed out on the couch with a bottle of wine in my hand. When I had woken up they were draining it down the drain. I screamed at them for draining it. My mom and dad had been collecting wine for years and they were just throwing it down the drain. So they told me to buy a storage unit, and store everything there. I did and they immediately took the key away. I may sound like I'm some pathetic little girl, and I guess that I was, but I'm better now. I started going back to school, and I'm dressing in my normal attire. I also started writing in a diary. Kasey thought it would be good for me to go to a therapist to talk all of my crap out. She told me that I should write in a diary so that I could express my feeling honestly.

I look at the clock on my nightstand, and see that it's already noon. I groaned. I promised Kasey that I would met her for lunch. I went into my bathroom, and pulled out my phone.

'Gonna be a couple minutes late.' I tied my hair in a bun, and got in the shower. When I got out the shower I walked into my closet, and pulled out a pair of high waisted white shorts, and a crop top with a tribal pattern on it. I dressed into the outfit I picked out, and put on my black combat boots. I went through the drawer with all my glasses in it, and picked a pair of black aviators. I walked to my car, and drove to the place we had picked out.

When I got there I saw her waiting outside with a frown on her face. What I had done this time to disappoint her. I don't know

"Where have you been I have been waiting out her for like 30 minutes?"

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