Chapter Eleven

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The clothes are packed off to Goodwill
I said my good-byes up on that hill
The house is empty, the furniture sold
Soon your smells will decay to mold
Don't know why I bother calling, ain't nobody answering
Don't know why I bother singing, ain't nobody listening

- Gayle Forman, Where She Went


Jadyn's POV

I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist. I panicked a little, but then calmed down when I remembered that Jace slept over last night. I tried to get out of his hold, but it just seemed to tighten every time that I tried to get out. I looked up, and was met with Jace's clear blue eyes. "Good Morning. How did you sleep last night" He asked me.

"Good Morning. I slept fine. Umm. Can you let go of me?"

"Right. Sorry"

"No problem. I'll be back." I walked into my bathroom, and stood in front of the mirror. When I saw my reflection I gasped. I looked awful. My eyes were red and puffy. My hair was a mess. It must have been because of how many times I pulled at my hair trying to comprehend all that has happened. I smoothed my hair out, and brushed my teeth. When I walked back out Jace was standing with his jacket on.

"So. I'm leaving. I have to get ready for school, but I'll meet up with you. To make sure you are okay." I nodded. I don't think I could respond to what he just said. He walked out the door, and I was left alone. I heard my phone start ringing. When I looked at the caller I.D. I saw that it was my Aunt.


"Hey Hun! How have you been?" Her cheerful voice sounded through the phone. How could she be so calm right now? Her sister just died. I understood on some level, but I'm going through the same thing. She could at least be real with me

"I'm fine." I chuckled. "So what's wrong?"

"Have you made your decision yet? On where you are going to live."

"Yeah I have. I've decided to live here. You don't have to come live with me. I've been alone for so long that I've gotten used to it." I frowned. I said it as if I was talking back to someone. When I wasn't. I was just stating the truth.

"Oh. Okay" I could hear the disappointment in her voice. I honestly didn't need her. I have money, and I have been living like this for the past 5 years of my life. "I also need you to start making her funeral arrangements. I suppose you want to do this."

"Yeah. I'll go today. I wasn't planning to go to school today anyway."

"Okay Jadyn I have to go but I'll call you later. Bye." Before I could respond she had already hung up on me. What is wrong with my family? My mom, and dad are dead I feel like my aunt doesn't like me. Not that I really care. I went into my bathroom, and took a quick shower before heading into my closet. I threw on a pair of holy jeans, and a black oversized sweater, with my white converse. I didn't really care how I looked so I just put my hair in a messy bun, put my glasses on, and walked out to my car. The car roared with power as I drove to the funeral home. This was all too hard for me. I can't. The person that was helping me pick out a casket was rambling on about something. I stopped him, and ran out the exit. I stood in front of the funeral home, before crouching down, and putting my head on my knees, and let out all my sobs. I couldn't breathe. I could feel my throat tighten. I was gasping for air. I sat there like that for a couple moment before I gained my breathing back, and could stand up again. For the rest of the day I was driving around making arrangement for my mother's funeral.

Jace's POV

When I arrived at school I searched around for Jadyn's Camry, but it was nowhere to be found. I ran around the whole school looking for Jadyn, but I couldn't find her. Was she okay? I called her cellphone, but she didn't pick up. I was starting to get worried. The bell rung signaling that I was late for first period. I spent the first 4 periods wondering where Jadyn is. When the bell signaled for lunch I quickly rushed to my locker, and put my stuff away. When I entered the cafeteria I looked around in hope of finding Jadyn. I didn't find her yet again

"Looking for Jadyn?" I turned around and there was Kasey Jackson, the hottest girl at school.

"Yeah you know where she's at?"

"No. I would assume you would know since you guys have been inseparable since Saturday."

"I was with her this morning, but she didn't come to school. Do you know why?"

"No. I haven't talked to her since Yesterday. Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Her mom died yesterday. She had cancer."

"Shit. I didn't know. Oh God I need to call her. I need to see if she is okay. I hope she doesn't do what she did when her dad died. Look I have to go look for her."

"I'm coming with you."

"Fine. But let's go. Like right now." She snapped her finger, and I quickly walked with her to the parking lot not bring anything with me I just needed to know if she was okay. I am extremely worried. I ran to my car, and drove off to her house as fast as I could. When I arrived at her house I parked my car, and ran to the door. Her car was in the driveway so she must be here. I knocked several times, but no one answered the door. I looked around frantically looking for a way to get in. I could hear footstep hitting the pavement. I turned and saw an out of breath Kasey. She looked at me, and frowned.

"I thought you would be smarter than this Jace. Oldest rick in the book." She went up to the doormat and collected a key from under it. Why didn't I think of that? She unlocked the door, and set the key on the side table by the door. I looked around in search of Jadyn. When I entered the living room. She had a stream of tears running down her face, and there was a pint of ice cream in her hands.

"Oh Jadyn. What are you doing her? I thought we were going to meet at school I was worried about you."

"Jace what are you doing here?" She had a pained look on her face. She out of nowhere got up, and started running towards me. I spread my arms out wide waiting for her to come into my embrace. I closed my eyes waiting for her, but she never came. I could hear her sobs fill the room. I looked back, and saw Kasey hugging Jadyn. I'm such an idiot. Why would she hug me? I forgot Kasey was with me.

"I am so sorry Jay. I didn't know. I would have come sooner." Kasey cooed into Jadyn's ear while rubbing her back. I felt a little envious of Kasey, because she was hugging her, and not me. I took the hint, and knew I had stayed past my visit, and walked out the living room. I opened the front door, and let out a sigh. At least she's okay. Right? I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Jadyn is always on my mind whether she want me or not. I need to get over this, because it is obvious she doesn't want me. I shook my head, got into my car, and drove home.

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