Chapter Nine

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Jadyn's POV
"S-she's dead Jace." I couldn't believe she was dead. She said she was going to stay with me. She said she would never leave me. How can I believe anyone else when the one person I thought would never leave me left me? It might not be her fault that she died, but I just can't handle it anymore. She was the only thing keeping me sane after my dad died.
"Who's dead?" Jace asked me. I looked up at his face. He had a worried expression on his face. I didn't know if he was just playing around with me, or he actually did care, but he was there so I told him.
"M-my mom!" I could feel the tears making their way down my face. I lifted my hand to wipe the tears away, but Jace did it for me before I could reach my face. He pulled me into a hug, and let me sob into his shoulder. He softly caressed my hair, and whispered soothing words into my ear. I felt safe in his arms. I knew I couldn't have him in that way. It would never happen. I definitely couldn't let him break my heart. I now know why I actually didn't want to date him. Part of it was because of his reputation, but the other part was that I knew that he was going to end up leaving me just like everyone else did. I knew the moment that we were sitting on the table staring at the stars. I knew he would have a place in my heart. I may have not known him for that long, but I knew.
"Come on. Let's get you home." He pulled my arm to my car. I didn't know if I could drive to my house without bursting into tears. I had to try, because Jace had brought his car over here. I pushed his chest away and said,
"Are you forgetting your car is here?" He looked at me with a questioning look before he realized what I meant.
"Right, but I'm coming over your house just to make sure you get there safely. Okay?" I nodded my head. He quickly jogged to his car. I heard his engine roar with power, and I got into my own car. I wiped my tears away with the sleeve of my cardigan and drove off to my house.
We arrive a couple minutes later to my house. I went to unlock my door, and I heard Jace's steps walking up behind me. I turned around, and gave him a smile before walking in. I heard my phone start to ring so I answered it.
"Hey Hun. How are you?" I could hear the sympathy that was revolved around her voice as she said this to me. I knew she thought I was like a fragile doll that would break so easily, but I wasn't. Close to eat yes, but not yet. I lead out a loud sigh and said,
"As fine as I'll ever be Aunt Lucille."
"Good Honey. I just faxed you something your mom left for me. I'm so sorry. I didn't know this was going to happen." I let out a loud sob, and from the corner of my eye I could see Jace get up.
"It's not your fault Aunt Lucille." I started to break down crying again. I jumped when I felt Jace wrap his arms around my waist, and bring me to his chest. For some reason this calmed me down a little. I turned around, and put my face against his chest. I heard the fax machine printing. "I just got the fax. I'll call you later." I hung up the phone, and threw it on the couch. I sighed before pulling away from Jace's warm embrace. I went over to the printer, and picked up the sheet.
I'm so sorry Honey. I didn't know this would happen. They said it could happen, but I had so much faith that I wasn't going to die. You might as well hear it from me then someone else. I had cancer. I should have spent more time with you once I found this out, but I didn't. I was looking all over for the best doctor to surgically remove my brain tumor. I didn't want to worry you with my problems. I seriously thought I was going to live. I know right now you think that I was selfish, and that I didn't care. I guess I was a little selfish, but on the other hand I wasn't. I did this so that I could at least have a chance to be with you. I didn't want you to lose me like you lost dad. That's why I didn't want to tell you about me having cancer. I need you to promise me something. Please don't return to your old ways. I might be dead, but I'll still be watching you from the sky. Just please don't go down that hole again don't shut everyone out like you did when dad died. Just please do this for me. Let someone in. Let yourself be loved. I know you might think that they will just end up leaving you. Just know that you have people around you. To care for you. You have Kasey she can be that person for now. Until you find someone to fall in love with, and spend the rest of your live with. I've been saving up money since when I found out I was diagnosed. It may not be much, but it's enough to get you through. I love you so much. Your eighteen already, so you can decide what you want to do from now on. You can stay where you are right now, and if you want Aunt Lucille will stay and live with you. I'm really sorry.
She knew. She knew she was going to die, and she didn't tell me. Who does that? Why wouldn't she tell me? I can't believe it. Everyone end up leaving me. I didn't notice that Jace was looking over my shoulder to read the letter. "She left me Jace." He caressed my cheek, and pushed my hair behind my ear
"It's okay. I'm here for you." I nodded, and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hugged me back, and it felt great. I let my tears out. I don't know what it is, but I actually believed him. Despite everything they say about him not caring. I believed that he did care. "I think I should leave. Just to give you some space." I nodded my head no. I looked up to see his face.
"Can you stay? I don't want to be alone."
"Sure. I'll stay. Let me just call my mom, and tell her I'm staying over here.

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