Chapter Twenty

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3 weeks later

"Woo!" Jace screamed from the top of his lungs. He's running down the shore trying to get to the bonfire that was set up by a couple of guys that we meet on the beach a couple of days ago. "Come on Jay! Hurry Up."

I kick my sandals off, and pick them up. I start running, in the sand which is very difficult. In the darkness of the night you can see the faint light coming from where the pit is at. It took us about 5 minuets to run to the bonfire. When I reached the pit. I fell on my hands and knees and just fell face first into the sand. "Sup. Jay." I looked up and was met with Adam's face hovering over me. He held out his hand, which I grabbed a hold of. He pulled me out of the sand, and guided me to the logs set around the pit. He handed me a red solo cup, and i sniffed at the alcohol before chugging the whole thing. "Whoa! Slow down there Jay."

I let out a round of coughs. Adam started pounding his fist on my back. I turned to look at him, put my hand into a fist, and pointed at his face. He held his hands up in surrender and scooted away from me. I smiled and started to laugh. He skid closer to me, and I stopped laughing. I shook my head no, then started laughing again. Confusion clouded his eyes. "I'm just kidding. I'm not going to punch you." I pat him on the back and swing my arms back a good distance before slapping his back. His cup fell from his hand and landed on the sand.

"Damn. Jay you've got an arm." He shook his head before getting up and walked away laughing. I got up from the log and started to look around for Jace. I was about to drink from my cup when I noticed that it was empty. I walked to the keg, and pumped out some more for myself. Once I was finished I walk around the beach trying to find Jace. I was about to go play some volleyball with Adam and his friends, and wanted to see if Jace wanted to play. I walked over to an isolated part of the beach where I saw the silhouette of two people holding hands. I walked closer and saw Jace holding hands with some chick. I got as close as I could but couldn't really see much due to the fact that it was pretty dark outside. I smiled and started to walk away.

I was half way to the court when my phone started ringing in my pocket. I looked at the caller I.D. and saw Chris' name. I slid my finger over the answer button that showed up on my lock screen, and brought the phone to my ear.

"Helloer." I answered.

"Hey, baby." I smiled and thought of something to say back.

"Hey. Adam."

"Who's Adam?" Chris asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Crap. I wasn't supposed to say anything yet, but since I told, well Chris I thought you were Adam. My new boy...friend."

"What?!?!?!?" he yelled over the phone. I burst out laughing and almost landed in a ball on the ground.

"I'm just kidding Chris. I don't want Adam. He's a douche." I start to say into the phone.

"Hey! What the hell Jay. I thought we were friends." Adam yelled from a couple feet away.

"We are, but you're still a douche." I yelled back.

"Is that him?" Chris says.

"Yes. It is we were about to play volleyball."

"Ohh. How you been?"

"I've been good. Guess what?" I half yelled into the phone.

"What?" he says with an exasperated tone.

"Jace got himself a new girlfriend. I don't know what she looks like, but it looks like things are getting pretty serious. They were holding hands, and I've never seen her before."

"Good Thing. I was tired of him hanging around us all the time."

"Come on Chris don't be so mean he's your best friend."

"He's yours too, so don't go pulling that card on me."

"We're not talking about who's best friend he is we're talking about you being cruel to your best friend and behind his back may I add."

"You have to be cruel to be kind. Let's stop talking about Jace, and talk about us. I miss you."

"I miss you too." I bite my lip.

"How much do you miss me." Chris says.

"A lot."

"Me too. I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Look up." I look up and see Chris in the midst of the crowd. I end the call and stuff my phone into my pocket. I take off in a sprint, and jump into Chris' arms. He wraps his arms around me, and I wrap my legs around his torso. He brings his mouth to mine, and starts kissing me.

"I missed you so much Jadyn. There's absolutely no words to explain how much I missed you." I brought my lips back to his and ran my finger through his brown hair. "I love you Jadyn."

"I love you too Chris."

"So where's Jace?" He asked with a smirk played on his face.

"Come on. I'll show you."


So, Here's another update. A little bit of everything in here.

Also, I'll kind of skip through Summer Break just to kind of get this moving along. And get to the good parts.

Anyways, Till Next Time.

Bye, Loves.

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