Chapter Fifteen

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Jadyn's POV

Why does this happen to me? I mean I'm a nice girl right? How could I betray Jace like this?

"What's wrong?" Chris' voice boomed through my ear. I turned and was met with Chris' brown green eyes. His eyes are truly and utterly breathtaking. It's like they can't decide to be green or brown.

"Nothing. It's just that we should tell Jace. If he finds out from someone else I'm more than sure that he is going to get mad. I don't want him to get mad. Please Chris can we tell him." I pouted my lips and pressed my palms against his chest. He let out a small chuckle before bringing his lips to mine.

"Okay fine. We'll tell him. But not right now. Come on let's go watch a movie." He grabbed my hand and I walked with him to the couch in his living room. I sat down and kicked off my shoes. He took my feet and started to rub soothing circles on the top of my foot. His hands started to roam my bare legs. I kicked my foot out and placed them under my bum.

"I lied." His head snapped to me, and I could see the confusion in his eyes.

"What did you lie about?" He asked concerned.

"Never mind. forget about it."

"What did you lie about?" I nodded my head no. "Come on Jadyn I'm not playing." I once again nodded my head no. He abruptly turned me on my back, and got on top of me. "What did you lie about?" His eyes met mine and we stayed quiet for a second.

"I like you a lot Jadyn." Chris said with a lustful look in his eyes.

"I know. I mean who could resist this." I said while motioning to my body.

"You do know. Don't you." He smirked and started tickling me. I let out a loud laugh, and started squirming under him.

"Stop Christopher. My stomach is starting to hurt."

"I'll stop if... you give me a kiss." He pointed to his lips and pouted. I chuckled and gave him a peck before getting out from under him, and laying directly on top of him. I inched my lips close to his mouth. He let out an airy breath that I could feel against my lips. I inched my lips closer and closer to his but then quickly swerved and kissed his cheek. I got off the couch, and placed my shoes back on.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked me.

"We are going to tell Jace right now. Get your lazy ass of the couch and get your shoes on."

Chris got off the couch and grabbed my hand. "Your car or mine?"

"Take your own. I'll meet you there." I gave Chris a quick peck before skipping out the door.

'Meet me at the skatepark.' I texted Jace. After a couple seconds Jace texted back saying okay.

----------30 minutes later---------

"Okay I'll go in first. Then you can go in, but wait like 2 minutes." Chris nodded his head yes.

I took my skateboard out the trunk and walked towards the entrance. I could feel the sweat starting to form on my forehead from how nervous I am.

"Hey Jay. What's up?" He stuck out his hand for a fist bump, and I pounded my fist against his.

"Nothing let's skate." He nodded and started running with his skateboard, before he quickly got on. he rode it up the ramp, and went back down in a swift movement.

I turned towards the door, and saw Chris walk in. He looked around until his eyes locked with mine.

"So.... What are we going to tell him." Chris asks as he stands next to me trying to be nonchalant.

"Let's just wing it. We have to wait until he comes over here though." I say in a quick breath.

"Great plan Jadyn." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice, but I didn't really care because as long as I told Jace I would feel ten times better.

"Hey Chris." I looked to the side, and saw Jace and Chris man hugging.

"Jace. Umm I have to tell you something. Promise you won't get mad." His eyebrows shot up, and he looked at me with curiosity.

"What is it?" Jace asked. I slid to Chris' side and grabbed a hold of his hand.

"Chrisismyboyfriendandthereisnothingyoucandoaboutit." Jace's mouth fell wide open, and he looked between Chris and I, then at our interlocked hands.

"Is this true." The only thing I could see on Jace's face was sadness.

"Yeah man, and I know you wanted her first, but I like her now, and you said it yourself that you guys are only ever going to be friends."

I looked at Jace and a wide smile spread across his face. "ha ha. Got you. I don't care. I mean I'm glad you told me though. I would be pissed if I found out from someone else.

I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding on to. I could feel the weight being lifted of my shoulders. "Really?" A small smile formed at the corners of my mouth.

"Really Jay. I mean you guys are my best friends. Promise you won't make me your go to guy when you guys are fighting though."

I chuckled and quickly responded "don't worry that's why i got Kasey."

Chris and Jace laughed at my comment.

"Okay now that this is cleared up let get to skateboarding."

"That was easier then I thought." whispered Chris.

"I know right. Is he feeling okay?" Chris bumped my shoulder before getting to the top of the ramp, and riding down. This is great. Everything worked out just like I hoped it would.


Here's another chapter for all you lovelies.

Till Next Week.

p.s. Emily and Daniel OTP 4 LIFE

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