Chapter Ten

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Jadyn's POV

I'm so sad. There aren't words to explain how I'm feeling right this moment. I'm just glad that Jace decided to stay with me. I can't stand to be alone tonight. I can't believe it. She died how could this happen.

"How could you do this to me? I have been nothing, but faithful to you. Why did you take them away? I didn't do anything to deserve this. How could you?" I screamed this at the top of my lungs. I went out for a little air but ended up screaming to the sky. Hoping that God was hearing me. I never did anything to deserve this. I brought my knees onto the bench, and place my head on top of them. I could feel the tears running down my face.

"I can't handle this. I can't. It doesn't matter if I'm alone or not. I will still end up in that hole that I went down before. This time my mom won't be there in time to find me. I'm pretty sure you don't care either, because you let them die."

"Don't say that." I heard a voice behind me. I turned my head to the side. I saw Jace standing there staring at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Why not? Huh? HE DID THIS TO ME. He took my parents away." I hadn't noticed when Jace had walked up beside me. He held out his hand for me to take. I took it. I needed to feel his warmth. I need to feel safe. Even if it is just for a moment. He abruptly pulled me up, and into his arms. I knew that he was trying the best he could to comfort me. "Thank you."

"For what?" I could feel Jace's warm hand running up and down my back trying to calm me down.

"For being here. With me."

"It's no problem. I'll be here whenever you need me." I let out a yawn suddenly feeling the sleep trying to take over. "You're tired come on. Let's take you to bed." He grabbed my hand, and led me to my room. He guided me to the bed. "Why don't you change into some more comfortable clothes." I nodded my head, and head to my dresser.  I pulled out a pair of pajamas, and changed in the bathroom. When I walked out of the bathroom Jace was sitting on my bed with his head in hands. I walked up to him, and ran my hand through his hair. I have been having the urge to do that for a while now. He grabbed my hand, and held it to his cheek. I could that his eyes were red. Has he been crying? Why would he cry? Nothing happened to him.

"What's wrong?" I took a sat beside him. He turned his head to face me. I could see more tears running down his face. I quickly got more worried, and rubbed away his tears.

"It's just that I don't like to see like this. Promise me something Jadyn. Promise me that you won't go into that hole you were talking about outside. I'm here for you Jay, and so is Kasey. You're not alone okay?"


"Good now get into your bed, and go to sleep. I'll sleep on the couch." He was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand, and pulled him to me.

"C-Can you stay with me?" His eyes widened in shock and he looked me in the eyes, and said

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head yes, and scooted over to make room for Jace. I turned on my back, so I wouldn't be so close to him. I felt the bed dip, and the covers being pulled over his body. I couldn't resist the pull. Urging me to turn around, and face him. When I turned around the first thing in front of my face was his own. He reached up, and started caressing my hair. I could feel my sleep deprived eyes slowly starting to close, but before I could go to sleep I needed to do something. I brought my forehead to his, and rubbed my nose against his. His hand moved from my hair to my waist, and stayed there. I closed the little distance we had between us, and gave him a peck on the lips. When I pulled away. I saw that Jace's eyes were still closed. I didn't feel anything when I kissed Jace. I didn't feel that sweet tingly sensation in the pit of my stomach. I now know what I actually feel right now. I feel like what Jace, and I have is nothing more than a great friendship that will build for years to come. At this moment I knew that I loved Jace, just not in that way. I hope it doesn't develop into something more throughout the years, because if it does it will ruin this beautiful friendship that we are starting to build, and this is something I don't want to lose. I gently placed my head on his chest, and instantly I fell asleep.

Jace's POV

I laid down on the bed, and brought the cover up to my waist. I turned to where Jadyn was lying on her side her face away from mine. I was about to reach my hand to caress her hair when I saw that she was about to turn around. I quickly brought my hand back to my side, and waited for her to fully turn around, and face me. When she turned around I could see her forest green eyes pouring into my soul. I moved my hand from my waist to her hair. I softly ran my finger through her brown locks. I liked her hair it was so soft, and it smelled like daisies. Snap out of it. You can't feel this way. She doesn't want you like that. I was about to close my eyes, and go to sleep when I felt her forehead against mine. She rubbed her nose against mine. I sucked in my breath, and bit my lip. She has no idea what she is doing to me. She closed the space between us and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I closed my eyes, trying to save this moment, this feeling that I will have to get rid of, because I couldn't like her in that way. I could feel when she place her head against my chest. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, and wrapped my arm around her torso, and pulled her closer to me. She didn't move when I moved her, so I assumed that she was already asleep. I gave her a kiss on her forehead, and said "Good Night sweet little Jay." Before, I knew it my eyes were slowly, but surely starting to close. I let the sleep take over, and my eyes shut completely.


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