Chapter Seventeen

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So from now on it will be Jadyn's Pov but when it isn't I'll let you guys know.

"SCHOOL' S OVER!" all of the students have come to Chris' house to the end of the school year party.

"Come on Jay, let's go." Cries out Kasey.

"I'm coming. It's kind of hard to walk in these shoes. I don't even know why I put them on."

"Stop Jay. You look HAWT. Okay? So come on. We finally finished High School." Kasey grabs ahold of my hand and drags me in through the front door. Instantly a ton of hand reach out and pat Kasey and I on our shoulders.

Congratulation on your speech is being thrown out into the air. I just reply with a simple nod. When we finally reach the pool table set in the middle of the living room. I see Chris and Jace with a drink in their hands. I sneak up behind Chris, and place my hands on his shoulder. I jump up, and wrap my legs around his torso. He immediately grabs a hold of my legs, and turn around to face me.

"Hey beautiful. Nice of you to come." Chris whispers in my ear. I can barely hear him talk from the loud music booming in through the speakers.

"Well, how in the world could I miss the last epic party of the school year throw by the part king himself? So, Christopher Values how does it feel to be crowned party king?"

"Well, Ms. Radford it feels amazing, even better than my girlfriend's kisses." I jump off his back and slap his chest.

"Good to know. Now she won't have to torture herself by kissing you." I smirk at him, and whisper in his ear "Come find me when you realize that you like my kisses." I place a kiss at his earlobe and then one at the point where his shoulder meets his neck.

I walk away, and head towards the kitchen. I look at the beer covered counter top, and pick up one that isn't open yet, but out of nowhere the beer get swiped out of my hand.

"No you don't. Don't need you to relapse now do we?" I turn around and am met with Jace's bright blue eyes baring into mine.

"No we don't, and I never said I was." I responded with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Okay. Don't get all offenses on me now. How are you?" I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around my chest.

"I'm fine now anyways. I mean yeah I'm sad but I need to get over this. Not completely, but I need to get to a level where I won't start crying every time I wish my mom was here."

"It's okay Jay, we're here for you."

"I know Jace. I swear I won't start drinking like before again. It was just because she just died, and I'll limit myself to 3 drinks. I swear it take more than that to get me drunk. I just want to have some fun, and I'll even mix it with juice if it will make you feel better."

"Fine, but I swear if you start wobbling around like a person drinking for the first time. I will give Kasey permission to beat the crap out of you. You have been warned."

"Yeah, Yeah." I wave him off and head to get the beer again. I pour it into a red solo cup and fill it half way with fruit punch.

6 ½ drink later.........

"Chris. You're so mean. I mean I thought you liked me, but you still haven't found me. Even after I kissed your ear." I placed my hand on his arms and started to slowly rub at it.

"Jay, are you drunk?" I let out a laugh and started to twirl my hair around my finger.

"Maybe, I don't know anymore." He let out a chuckle, and grabbed a hold of my hand. He took me to the beginning of the stair well and guided me up standing behind me to make sure I didn't fall off.

"I don't like these shoes. I took them off and placed them on my finger before throwing them over the railing.

From below someone shouted hey, and I started to uncontrollably laugh, because the thought of someone getting hit with my shoes seemed extremely funny. "Jay, stop." We stopped in front of a black door that was identical to all the other ones. Chris pushed it open, and led me in. "Lay down." He demanded. My eyebrows shot up in shock and I placed the palm of my hand against my mouth.

"No. Chris. I don't want to."

"Come on Jay. You need to sleep this off."

"I don't want to do IT with you. I'm not ready."

"What? I don't want to sleep with you. I just want you to go to sleep. I don't need you getting hurt."

"Oh. Okay. I laid down on the bed, and brought my legs up to my chest." Chris pulled the blanket out from under me, and covered me with it. I placed my hand under my face, and closed my eyes. The bed slightly dipped, and I felt Chris connect his lips with my forehead.

"Go to sleep. Jay" He was about to get up before I grabbed his hand.

"Do you like my kisses Chris?" I peeked a little at Chris' face and saw a slight smile placed sweetly on his face.

"Yes, Jay I like your kisses. In fact I love them. Just like I love you." He brought his face down to mine and placed a small kiss upon my lips before pulling away.

"I love you too. Chris."

"I know you do." He responded.

"Ha ha. Whatever." I let out a yawn, and felt my eyes start to get heavy.

"Goodnight Jay." That was the last thing I heard before falling into a deep sleep.
I know it's really short, but I just wanted to update before I start getting ready to go back to school. And on Tuesday!!! 😭😭😭

I just want to say thank you for all of you out there reading my story. And thank you to all the people that haven't given up on me. We're almost getting back to where I last left off on this story.

So excited. 😬😬😬😬 Love Y'all ❤️💛💚💙💜

Till Next Week. 💋

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