Chapter Twenty-Two

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3 months later...

I scroll through my camera roll and select certain pictures out. I hover my finger over the delete button and then press it. I set my phone down on the bedside table and lay on my bed. The apartment me and Jace rented out in New York. Is pretty big. It cost us a lot of money but with the money from the house and the furniture I was able to rent out the apartment for the year. I press my finger against my temple and get out of bed and head to the kitchen.

I rummage through the cabinets and finally find the Tylenol. I pour two into my hand and go get a glass of water. I can already feel the pain starting to numb away. I walk to the couch and plop down. Once my butt hits the couch I instantly jump back up.

"Oww!!" I turn around and see Jace lying on the couch in a ball.

"God!! What the hell Jace! You scared me." I take a few steps back and stand in front of the TV. With my hand pressed against my chest, trying to calm down my erratically beating heart.

"Did you not see me laying here?!? Huh are you blind?" He asks me.

"Actually yes Jace, I am blind. What has your panties in a twist? Is it Sherrie. Cause you are starting to get really serious. And I barley even see you anymore. You are totally whipped."

"That's is such a lie. I see you all the time. Look I'm seeing you right now."

"Ha ha. Very funny. But you know that's not what I'm talking about. Look lets go to the movies and maybe after you can come with me to go buy my textbook for class."

"Okay. Let's go just let me put on some pants and my sneakers."

"Why aren't you wearing pants." I ask while going to grab my keys from the counter.

"Question is why are you?" He says while shutting his door closed. I look down at my legs and don't see any pants. In fact i'm wearing a dress only reason why is because it's too hot and too humid to be in jeans.

I walk to my room get my wallet and put on some sandals. I grab a hair tie, tie my hair up and place my glasses on the bridge of my nose. I walk out my door and see Jace already waiting for me.

"Let's go." He walked out the door, and I followed behind him. The movies have been my go to place for the past couple of weeks. Alone of course. Jace was caught up with Sherrie, and Kasey was caught up with Julliard. Says she focusing on her music career and I completely understand I can't wait until I start my Pre-Med classes. The little theater isn't so far from campus, and it fills my spare time. Adam and I hang out sometimes turned out that he was going to Yale too.

I looked at the movie posters hanging up and just pointed at a random one. I really haven't been judging it by it's cover also I have watched all the movies I have wanted to watch, but recently I have been hooked on romantic comedies. Although my romantic life is non existent anymore.

'I can't be tied down' he said  'We're going to be 3,000 miles away from each other,  and I love you I really do. but if we so happen to come back to each other then we'll know we're meant to be. You know what they say you have to let it go and if it comes back to you then its yours.'

Stupid Christopher, and he did this all over the phone. He is such an ass. I should've known.

The movie was pretty boring, but now it's time to waste a whole bunch of money on my textbooks. I look down the aisles and look for my specific textbook. When I find it I go to the end of the line which is wrapped around one of the shelves, and wait for my turn to come.

We waited in line for about an hour or so until I finally paid for my book, and headed back to the apartment. By the time we made it home it was already 8. Jace instantly walked into his room and shut his door.

i walked into my room and tried to turn on the AC. I kept on pressing on the button praying for it to turn on. I started pounding on the thing and yelled at it to turn on. I heard a knock on my door and turned. It was a shirtless Jace shaking his head in disapproval.

"Let me have a look at it." He walked over to it and pressed down on the button. When it didn't turn on he crouched down and pressed the reset button on the AC plug. He got back up and tried pressing the button again. Yet, it still didn't work.

"You have to get a new one. This is broken."

"I'll just stay on the couch then it's cooler in there than in here." I grabbed on of my pillows and was about to walk out the door when Jace grabbed a hold of my wrist.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you suffocate to death in there. Just stay in my room with me."

"No it's fine. I'll stay in the living room." I said pulling my wrist out of his hold. I walked over to the couch and set down my pillow.

"Jay. I told you, you're staying with me. Now, let's go. Tomorrow is your first day and your classes are in the morning so you have to go to bed."

I gave up and followed Jace into his room, which was surprisingly clean. I set down my pillow on his bed, and laid down on the side closest to the wall. Jace laid down next to me, and turned off his lamp, but he pulled out his phone, and started to text someone. I peeked over his shoulder and saw that he was texting Sherrie.

"Aww. Jace you are totally whipped. Now, I'll be going to bed." I turned on my side and brought the blanket up to my chest.

"I'm not whipped and I never will be. So, let's make that clear."

"Sure." I said sarcastically.

"Admit it or I'm going to tickle you until you admit it."

"Never." I say

"Okay, then I warned you." In a blink of an eye Jace had turned around and started to tickle me. I started laughing like a maniac, and tried to get Jace's hands off of me. When he wouldn't bulge I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him off the bed.

A couple of seconds later I managed to get him on the bed and holding onto his thigh that had hit the ground. He recovered, and went back onto the bed. He brought the covers up to his waist, and covered up my whole body. He turned to me and started to run his long slim fingers through my hair. My eyes opened wide. What was he doing?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to make you fall asleep. This always makes me fall asleep, so it should work on you." He kept running his hands through my hair, and soon enough my eyes started to droop, before they entirely closed.


Now, guys, did you find the clue. Bet you didn't but sooner or later you'll know what I'm talking about that is going to happen and then you'll know.

Anyways. Kind of a filler chapter, and to all of you who didn't want Chris and Jadyn together your wishes have been answered. Plus even I got tired of all that lovey dovey shiz niz

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