Chapter One: Good

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The first thing that got thrown out was the black choice of clothing Bad preferred. It was replaced with pure white, bits of grey, and light teal stripes. Bad's once bright yet colorful eyes where now a dark, pitch black, giving off nothing but malice. This version on first sight seemed good. Almost angel like. Good was quite the opposite word to use for this being.

He threw open the front doors of the house, gold sword shining against the glare of the sun. Good walked down the path leading further into the dream smp. People he passed looked at him quizzically to which he responded back with "Take a picture, it'll last longer bitch." Then proceeded on his way.

He noticed the lack of food back at 'his' mansion and decided to pay a certain sheep a visit. Upon entering said person's house she immediately perked up at the door slamming shut. Her eyes widened in disbelief.


Good scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Do you have food or no?"

Puffy let out a stutter. "I- you've been gone for weeks and that's the first thing you say?"

She walked up to Bad and finally pointed out her friends new appearance. Yes, she had noticed it when he suddenly showed up but took no time to look over how different he truly looked.

"Bad, are you ok?" Puffy made hand motions towards Bad's new choice of wardrobing, not to mention his now black pitch eyes.

Good's glare gave off his answer. "Does it look like I'm ok?" He held out his arms. "I'm perfectly fucking fine. Now stop asking and give me something to fucking eat."

Puffy retracted back. "Language Bad! What is up with you?"

Good let out an annoyed huff. Clearly coming here was a mistake on him. He knew he should've taken those berries off those bushes when he first saw them but thought they wouldn't give much hunger back. Now that Puffy was asking question after question, the berries didn't seem like such a bad idea.

"Do I need to go get Skeppy?"

The name snapped Good out his train of thought instantantly. His eyes narrowed. "Don't bring that mother fucker anywhere close to me." He moved over to one of her chests and started digging through it's contents. "That bitch can go suck off his girlfriend for all I care. He's been doing it for the past month anyway."

Good pulled out a single steak and instantly bit down into it. The pit in his stomach quickly filled as he finished the steak in a mer three seconds. Bad had been starving himself for days, so having food was finally giving him his strength back.

Puffy just watched on the side lines as Good continued to rummage through her belongings. She didn't really mind as she was fixated on what Good had said. Everyone had noticed Bad and Skeppy were no longer near each other. The diamond man was always seen with the new member of the smp, either mining or trolling others around the area. They finally worried over the lack of Bad never being seen around the server. Some tried asking Skeppy about the demon but he would always seem to brush it off like no big deal. Puffy knew this wasn't a regular fight. The two friends would always make up minutes later, going back to the usual flirting.

Puffy grimaced as she took out her communicator and looked at the recent messages sent to Skeppy.

10mins ago
Whispers to Skeppy: Come over now. It's important

6mins ago
Skeppy whispered to you: Everything ok?

5mins ago
Skeppy whispered to you: be there in five.

She averted her gaze up towards the door that was swung open violently, a loud bang following after. The said diamond man now stood there with a axe in his hand and blocks in the other.

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