Chapter Four: Time

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Skeppy tried everything to gifts to verbal affection.

Good didn't take kindly to the first gift. Skeppy had tried giving him a muffin. Bad's favorite. His response was met with the angel dropping it carelessly to the ground before stomping on the poor thing.

Next was a card describing the many things Skeppy loved about him. Good hated that one to. Simply just tearing it in half on the spot.

Skeppy gave up on gifts and tried hanging around 'his' house. Good's reaction was priceless when he showed up on the front door step. Good tried pushing Skeppy away but Skeppy was very persistent. The two ended up spending the day together much to Good's dislike.

Skeppy felt like he was getting somewhere. Good was starting to ease up a bit at times. His snarky attitude was replaced with Bad's sweet tone when Skeppy did something sweet and caring for him. It would switch back suddenly with Good pushing Skeppy away, ignoring him the rest of the day.

Today, Skeppy had a different idea. He had invited Good to go mining like he and Bad used to do. He wasn't half expecting Good to show up at all. Skeppy had been waiting for 10 minutes now and decided maybe Good had better things to do.

"Hey fat ass."

Skeppy turned his head to see Good standing at the door way, pickaxe in hand. He had a grumpy look on his face as per usual.

Skeppy stood up, quickly blowing a fuss. "What the fuck dude! I've been waiting for ten minutes! What took you so long!?"

Good scoffed. "I was deciding if I should piss you off or not."

Skeppy slowly clapped. His face showing annoyance. "You succeeded. Now let's go find diamonds."

The two set off into the mine. Skeppy was lighting the way with a torch and leading them around. Good only followed behind in silence. Eventually, they both got down to the right level for the rare gem and started digging. Ten minutes passed. No diamonds. Thirty, then an hour. Still no diamonds.

Skeppy stopped to lean up against the wall in exhaustion. His hand wiped away the sweat on his forehead.

A loud "Holy shit!" was suddenly heard echoing down the tunnels.

Skeppy groaned, hauling his way over to the angel. He looked around the corner to see Good peering inside what looked to be another cave system. Skeppy walked up beside him.

"What did you find?"

Good retracted his head from the hole and looked back at Skeppy. "Some sort of abandoned mineshaft. Looks pretty complicated to."

Skeppy hummed. He stuck his head through the entrance and wasn't ready for when he felt a pair of hands push him forward. Skeppy shrieked, arms flailing in an attempt to grab onto anything. Failing, he was sent face first into the stone ground. He heard the laughter mocking him from above.

"What the FUCK Good!!!"

Good landed beside Skeppy in a fit of laughter. "I couldn't resist. Your fucking fat ass was in the way."

Skeppy got up, brushing the dust off himself. He turned his head to give Good a glare saying 'fuck you'. Good only gave him an evil smirk.

The two ended up finding multiple minechests filled with good supplies consisting: melon seeds, redstone, golden apples, enchanted book, and a few diamonds. Skeppy celebrated by singing the song Bad and Him always sang when searching for the gem.

"Diamonds I'm searching for you!"

Skeppy hummed the tune, twirling and jumping around as he did.

"Diamonds I'm searching for you!"

"Da du du do do."

Skeppy stopped in his tracks, looking back at the angel in question who just sang Bad's input to the song. His eyes were no longer the black void he saw every day. They shone a bright white that lit up the cave tunnel, shadows cowering in the corner away from it.


Bad looked at Skeppy with a smile. "Geppy? Why'd you stop you silly muffin?"

Skeppy blinked, bringing his hands up to rub his eyes. He took them off, his friends eyes now back to Good's. Good just raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked. "Don't fucking stare."

Skeppy turned away, cheeks flushed a pink tint. He internally groaned as he thought about Bad. Why wasn't he changing back? Was Bad really gone or did Skeppy need to try a different approach. He didn't enterally know but wanted to get to the bottom of things.

"Soooo Good?" Skeppy tried starting with a laid back conversation. "How have things been around the smp?"

Good scoffed. "Is this your pathetic attempt to start a conversation with me?"

Skeppy crossed his arm and huffed. "So? Just answer the damn question. Geez."


"Well, to be honest. No."

Skeppy turns to Good in surprise. He had expected the angel to say something along the lines of 'sure it's fucking amazing' or 'its boring' but the response he got sounded almost sad. Skeppy didn't know if Good had Bad's memory or a bit of his own story, but whatever it was he wanted to know more.

"Why?" Skeppy asked.

This time it was Good who turned away. "Nothing in particular. Days have been getting increasingly boring around the server. I normally don't interact with anyone which j don't have a problem with. It's mainly just-" Good stopped midway, seeming to think about what to say next.

"Umm," Skeppy trailed off. "Mainly what?"

Good turned back to Skeppy with an unreadable expression. "It's Bad. I can talk to him you know."

Now this got Skeppy's attention. Good could talk to Bad? That was interesting. Skeppy now wondered if Bad could hear everyone who had talked to Good in the past few weeks. Could he see through Good's eyes as well? Skeppy chose wisely how he asked the upcoming questions he wanted to know.

"Does Bad normally talk to you?"

Good shook his head. "He will respond with grunts of protest when someone does something he doesn't like. Does on occasion laugh at things. He mostly talks about you though."

"Really?" Skeppy looks down shyly, feeling the blush come back from awhile ago. "I miss him. Is there a way I can talk to him?

Good ponders for a moment. "Perhaps. I would have to allow him full control. I am mainly his built up anger and pained feelings over the many years. He still is very...cautious with talking with you."

Skeppy sighed, feeling defeat from receiving the message. He really had messed up, hadn't he? All because he was dumb enough to leave his best friend behind for some other girl. Skeppy wished he could go back in time and fix every mistake he ever made. Now, he's in the present, guilt over taking him every second by the day.

Good could practically tell Skeppy missed his friend. A part of him wanted to help but he knew exactly how Bad felt. It was wrong what Skeppy did but he was clearly putting in the effort to fix everything. Just a little bit more time.

The two wandered through the cave, searching for a way out. Once an entrance was spotted, they quickly reached the outside which was now lined with many stars.

Skeppy took out his map, routing out his way to get back "home". It wasn't really home due to a certain someone not being there, but it was the only place he could stay since Good refused on sharing the mansion.

"Well," Skeppy turned on his heel, getting ready to head off, "I guess I'll see you around."

Good nodded.

"In due time, Geppy."


Note: I did not edit this one so I'm sorry if there are mistakes. I have no idea where I'm going with this story honestly. So feel free to comment any ideas.

Words: 1307

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