Chapter Two: Entertaining

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(Angst. A mention of blood a bit. ⚠️)

Everyone by now knew about the new 'Bad' on the smp. No one dared to interact with him due to the angel's low temper and malice towards everything. Good seemed to enjoy the fear more than anything else. It gave him the satisfaction seeing the scared expressions he received.

The day was going as normal as it could get. Good could be found wandering around the insides of Bad and Skeppy's mansion. The angel tried cleaning up the mess Bad had left but decided upon it. So he resorted in going out to find someone to toy with. Good's mind went to Skeppy as he figured perhaps annoying the guy would ease his ever growing boredom.

It didn't take long to find him around the new girls area. Good growled in disgust from the apparent girly theme. Flowers were everywhere, pink and purple seeming to be the only two colors present. The house wasn't any better as it stuck out among the many other houses on the server.

"Looks like a shitty piece of cotton candy gone wrong," Good mumbled under his breathe. He hated every part of this, wanting to just go back home, but the thought of pissing off Skeppy was to good of a thought. He continued towards the house, one familiar voice catching his attention midway. Good quickened his pace to the back of the house and spotted the person he was looking for.

Skeppy was sitting down near the pool area, laughing at whatever the girl next to him was saying. Good glared at them from afar not really caring what the hell they were talking about. He came here for one reason and one reason only.

Jealousy was NOT that reason.

Good walked over, clearing his throat to make sure his presence was known. It was successful as Skeppy and the girl turned their attention towards him.

"Good..." Skeppy's dark gaze locked eyes with the angel. "What are you doing here?"

Said Angel gave only a hum in response before looking over to the other. "I don't think you've properly introduced yourself to me, have you?"

The girl's eyes darted around for a moment before she looked back, hesitantly pointing a finger at herself. "Are you talking to me?'

Good mentally face palmed at her stupidity. "Noooo." He made sure his voice was laced with much sarcasm. "I was talking to the fucking ground beneath you."

"Good. Stop."

Good gave off the sweetest smile he could possibly muster. His hands balled up into fists as he tried his hardest to contain his rage.

"Oh I'm sorry. Did I offend your bitch? I didn't realize she was a pussy." Good chuckled darkly, black eyes teasing Skeppy's now prominent angry ones.

Skeppy got up, stopping once infront of his now former friend. His expression tore into Good. "You take that back right now. Julie hasn't done anything to you."

Good scoffed at this. "I believe she has. Besides I'm not here for your pathetic excuse of a girlfriend. I came here for you."

Skeppy showed confusion. Good was here for him. That never meant a good thing around the server anymore. Normally Bad was so welcoming to others. No one questioned whenever Bad wanted to talk or needed something from them. He always made sure to treat everyone with the upmost respect. Good, was different.

"Why?" Skeppy questioned. "What do you need me for?"

Good reacted by throwing one arm back, unsheathing his sword from it's spot behind him and pointing it threateningly at Skeppy. "I'm glad you asked. I want a duel."

The diamond man raised an eyebrow. "A duel? For what reason? Where are you going with this Good?"

"What's the matter fucker?" Good teased Skeppy, now twirling his sword around in hand. "Afraid you'll lose to me?"

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