Chapter Six: Back

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Bad slowly opened his eyes, waiting for his vision to clear. The room was lit up by a lamp on the dresser beside him. Bad sat up, rubbing his eyes with his hands and not noticing the figure sitting right next to him.


Bad jumped up and flailed his arms, resulting in him falling off the side of the bed on to the hard floor. Skeppy was at his side in an instant.

"Oh my god, Bad!" Skeppy reached over and gently placed his hands on his friends shoulders. "I didn't mean to scare you like that. Geez."

Bad just blinked. He tilted his head to the side, seeming to study Skeppy's facial features. Skeppy gave him a quizzical look.

"Are you okay Bad?"

Skeppy's eyes widened as the said demon lunged forward and wrapped his arms around him. Skeppy smiled, returning the hug and rubbing circles across Bad's back. They stayed there for awhile, enjoying each other company.

"I missed you so much Geppy," Bad pulled away and met eyes with his friend.

Skeppy stared back lovingly. "I missed you to BadBoy."

Bad looked around the room he was in and noticed it was his. He hadn't been there in about a month so minor changes had been made by Good. One thing for sure was that the room was a lot more cleaner than he had left it. Speaking of Good...

"I'm so sorry Skeppy!" Bad frantically stood up, straightening his hood out. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Skeppy laughed. "Bad, I don't know why you're apologizing." He grabbed his friends hand and held it tightly. "I was the one who made you upset in the first place."

Sighing, Bad squeezed Skeppy's hand and gave him a sad look. "That's no excuse for me changing though. I should have just let you be. You seemed happy anyways."

"Bad," Skeppy used his other hand and wiped away a tear that was now sliding down Bad's face. "I wasn't happy at all. I was miserable without you."

These feelings. Skeppy could feel his face heating up from staring into his friends eyes.

"Friends". That word had been on his mind for awhile now. Were they really only friends Skeppy thought. They did questionable things that friends didn't normally do. Skeppy had remembered on many occasions that he called Bad cute or said I love you. Bad also gave him flowers every now and then and got jealous when he hung out with others. Not that Skeppy minded or anything.

"Sooo...." Skeppy rubbed the back of neck and looked away, "how are you feeling?"

Bad giggled. "I'm feeling much better now, thank you. But there is one thing that is bothering me."

Skeppy looked back and raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

"Well- " Bad stopped and seemed to think for a bit. "Good is still a part of me. He's like my feelings of anger that I don't normally express. We had a talk and I don't want him to be stuck inside my mind forever. I believe he deserves to be his own person."

Skeppy thought for a minute. "Ah. Well, what do you suppose we do about that?"

Bad frowned. "I have no idea. Is there really not any way we can pull him out of my mind? Oh! Do you think someone on the smp could figure something out?"

"I suppose we could ask around."

Bad smiled and brought Skeppy in for another hug. "Thank you Skeppy. I love you."

There it was again. The "I love you". It's what made Skeppy question his feelings frequently. He loved Bad, he really did. No one could possibly replace his friend no matter who they were. Even if Skeppy had his stupid moments Bad would always come out as number one in his life.

"I love you too Bad."


Note: Help! I have no idea where this story is going. If you have any ideas please comment! (╥﹏╥) I will credit you if I do use the idea you give. I'm just very lost on how I'm going to get Good out of Bad's mind. I also wanted to add Skeppy's opposite as well somewhere in here. So Good could have him to hang out with.

Words: 713

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