Chapter Three: Worth it

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"Yes Bad?"

"Slash slash undo right now!!!"

Skeppy laughed and typed in 'slash slash undo' in the chat. Bad screamed in frustration and proceeded to tell Skeppy to undo his recent trolling on his server. This had been going on for well past 30 minutes now.

Bad sighed into his mic and muted temporarily. He could hear Skeppy's laughing get louder on the other receiving end. Bad knew he wouldn't get anywhere with his argument. He never did. The next best thing was to just leave the discord call and call it a night. That's exactly what he did, left without a single word and shutting his pc off.

Skeppy stopped laughing as soon as the 'user has disconnected from your channel' rang throughout his headset. He rolled his eyes in response. Pulling his phone out, Skeppy decided to send a tweet to his Twitter page.

Just trolled Baldboynoob again! Lmao. He left the discord call.

Skeppy turned his phone off, letting out a sigh. Bad would call him tomorrow like always. Forgiving him and asking if they wanted to record together again. He knew his friend could never stay mad at him so he didn't even bother to apologise or check up on him. Skeppy got ready for tomorrow as usual and went to bed.

The diamond man seemed to check his phone every ten seconds, hoping to see a message pop up from his demon friend. Nothing. Again, Skeppy went through all his apps that Bad could have possibly left a note. Nothing at all.

Bad was always terrible at ignoring Skeppy. He always responded immediately to his messages and calls. Bad was clingy to say the least. Not that Skeppy minded. He actually was quite fond of the demon always latching on to him.

So Skeppy was a worried wreck when Bad never texted him the next day. He just assumed Bad needed time to relax.

Days turned to a week. A week without Bad contacting him at all. Skeppy had long forgotten by now since he had met someone new through twitter. She was absolutely gorgeous to Skeppy. He talked to her frequently, coming up with ways to troll people on the server and make videos. It was a nice replacement of the constant arguing he heard from his friend. A part of him still thought of Bad though. Everytime a cuss would slip her mouth, Skeppy heard a little 'language' in the back of his mind. Or when they played bedwars. The first thing Skeppy would buy was a heal pool.

Meanwhile, Bad gave up on awaiting the never to come, long apology. He thought of maybe texting Skeppy a few times but decided against it every time. Bad noticed Skeppy's new videos with Julie. The constant giggling of the two ringing in his head. It was like he was being tortured.

Skeppy never meant to hurt Bad. He was just...oblivious. That's the word. Bad kept this thought pushed in the back of his mind. Perhaps he needed to wait a little longer. He could wait.

Skeppy was worth it.
___♡༶ ___

Skeppy watched as Julie wrapped the bandages around the gash on his stomach. Tears were still visibly sliding down his face. Skeppy tried anything but to think of Bad but his words were echoing throughout his mind.

"We're fucking done Skeppy."

He let out a small laugh. 'language' Skeppy thought.

Julie looked up at the diamond boy, worry written all over her expression. She gave one final tug on the bandages before letting go.

"I don't know why you deal with him. He doesn't care Skeppy."

Skeppy looked down at his hands and stared at the ring on his finger. "No. I'm the one who didn't care. This is all my fault. I should've taken better care of him."

Skeppy balled up his fists tightly. Julie reached out, gently placing her hands on his.

"Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault." She gave him a smile. "I appreciate you. Isn't that enough?"

Skeppy met eyes with the very person he betrayed Bad with. His stare was nothing but nice. A part of him was angry at her.

"I want Bad back. He appreciated everything I did, despite my horrible attitude towards him."

Julie sighed, standing and picking up the first aid kit off the floor.

"When you're done thinking about him, call me."

He watched as Julie walked away to the bathroom. Skeppy sat still and glared at the pink carpet beneath him. It wasn't his favorite color. He frankly hated the color pink. Skeppy thought blue was always the brightest color of them all. That was before he met Bad. Now, he was contemplating Black being his new favorite color. To others, black seemed dull and empty, lacking any emotion except evil. To Skeppy, he saw beauty.

The way Bad would smile lit up his entire room. He always wondered why the demon wore such blank colors all the time. They seemed to make him shine even brighter somehow. Skeppy loved that about Bad. He loved Bad.

Skeppy growled. Curse him for being so oblivious to his feelings. Even if it took months or maybe even years to get his friend back, he would do everything he could to free him from his heart ache.

Bad was worth it.


Note: A little sad chapter. I promise there is a happy ending...maybe. (^-^ )

906 words.

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