Chapter Five: Promise

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Skeppy hated where he was right now in his life. All he wanted was to go back in time where it was just Bad and him. When the new girl had entered the server, he was just curious as to how she was. He never meant to ignore Bad the way he did. Yes, he had a bit of a crush on his friend, so was it wrong to see this new person to try and forget it?

Skeppy sighed, knowing what he did was wrong. He was honestly just scared of his own feelings. Bad turning him down wasn't something he wanted to consider. Bad was to nice for his own kind. So Skeppy didn't know why he had done what he did.

Good was...decent company. Not the best though as his temper was short and cursed constantly. Skeppy knew he was getting somewhere with all the time he spent around Good. The angel was in a way, warming up to him. Skeppy would see his eyes change a lot more frequently then he did in the past, so Bad was still there.

Bad wasn't the only problem he had to deal with unfortunately. Now there was Julie. She was constantly trying to get his attention ever since he started hanging out with Good. Julie clung to him like Bad used to. Only difference was, she was nothing like Bad. When Bad whined and pestered Skeppy about wanting to hang out, Skeppy would always give in. How could he not? Julie whined and complained just like Bad, except, her voice was quite annoying and bothersome to him. Skeppy would normally just scoff and give in anyways just to shut her up.

Today was no different. So now Julie and him were off picking flowers for the garden in Julie's front yard. Skeppy picked up a pink lilac, groaning in annoyance at the boring task.

Julie huffed from the side of him, clearly not having his attitude. "Oh come on Skeppy. Picking flowers isn't that bad."

Skeppy turned to her with a dead pan look on his face. "It's more boring than waiting for a fish to bite bait."

"Well, if Bad was here would it still be boring?" She bent over and studied the peony infront of her.

Skeppy pondered for a moment. Bad and him had been flower picking before but it always had some fun in it.

One time, Skeppy had made Bad go out with him for that very specific thing, only to troll him in the end by building a very inappropriate statue on top of their house. Bad's facial expression was speechless once he figured out what he used for the flowers.

Skeppy giggled, remembering how the demon made him tear it down all by himself.

Julie rolled her eyes from her spot, crossing her arms, looking very upset.

"You know Skeppy, I don't get it. Why is this Bad person so special? Why can't you be the same way you are when you're around him?"

Skeppy raised an eyebrow. "Why are you being so defensive? I've been hanging out with you this entire time."

Julie sighed. "Yes but you always have an attitude about anything we do now. Ever since that Good guy showed up, you've done nothing but talk about Bad. Think about Bad." She flung her hands up in the air in frustration. "What about me?!"

Skeppy looked at the peony she still had in her hands. It reminded him so much of his friend.

"Because you're not him. You never will be."

Good followed in the direction of the two voices arguing. It led him straight to a flower field where the culprits of the loud screaming were revealed. There, Skeppy and Julie stood, shouting insults towards each other. Now that was new.

Good walked up to them, ceasing their fighting as the two noticed they had company.

"Oh great," Julie rolled her eyes, brushing her hair back.

Good sputtered. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!'

"Ignore her bullshit of a statement. She doesn't even know what she's saying at this point." Skeppy spat on the ground infront of him, making Julie jump back in disgust and fire her up even more.

Good watched the two bicker on for another 7 minutes straight. It was pretty interesting seeing two people fight over the same person he just so happened to be using as a host.

"As much as I love watching people go at each other's throats with knives," Julie and Skeppy stopped and turned to Good, "but you guys are getting on my nerves with all the useless bullshit."

Julie pointed her finger at Good accusingly. "Oh please. You're the reason this whole thing started. You got jealous and turned into someone else for crying out loud."

Good only shrugged. "Says the one who's also jealous at the moment. Is that not what's happening right now? You can't stand the fact that Skeppy is now paying attention to someone who isn't you?"

Good walked up to Julie, pulling on the collar of her shirt, making it almost choke her. "You're a real petty bitch, you know that. Such a hypocrite. Wanting Skeppy all to yourself when you never even had him in the first place. I'll always be his first choice no matter who gets in the way. It's almost amusing to watch as you believe you'll get everything you want."

Julie's eyes widened. She looked over to Skeppy for help but all he did was shrug his shoulders, giving a small smirk.

She pushed Good away from her and brought her hands up to her neck. "You're crazy. How could someone ever like you."

Skeppy walked up beside Good, placing his hands on his hips. "I'm now thinking the same thing about you, Julie."

Julie looked shocked. "Wha- but- Skeppy what are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?!" Skeppy scoffed. "I thought you were different. When I first saw you I wanted to introduce myself and make you feel welcomed. Now that Bad, or Good technically, is wanting to hang out, you've been acting like a real asshole. You act like I'm your property but I'm not. Not even Bad was like that. He may have gotten jealous when I was around other people but he never once spoke out of pure hate."

Running up to Skeppy, Julie clung to his shoulders, pleading with her eyes. "You- You and I have been doing things together for weeks now. Why are you all of a sudden on Good's side?"

"Well," Skeppy grabbed Julie's hands, pushing them off of him. "Maybe I miss Bad. Maybe I realized trying to make friends with you was a mistake. Maybe I need to fix my mistake and get my Bad back."

Good stood still, blocking out the persistent pleads coming from Julie and Skeppy telling her off.

The flower field and light blue sky blurred away into nothingness as Good's surroundings turned completely void. There, in the middle of the pitch black stood Bad.

"He still cares you know." Good looked his opposite directly in the eyes.

"I know..."


Good walked over to Bad, placing a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small smile.

"I know you want to go back to him."

Bad let out a sigh and hung his head. "Yes, I do, but what happens to you? I can't just go back and have you disappear. You deserve to have your own memories just like anyone else."

Good shook his head. "I don't think that's possible. The only way i can exist is through you. Once you're back in control you can decide when to let me out or not at all."

Bad looked away in guilt. He wanted to give Good the decision to live his own life, not just through his. Good was kind deep down inside. All he needed was someone to counter his short temper and constant language. He needed a friend.

"I'd like to go back, yes, but I will try and find a way to get you out of here. I promise."


Note: This is not edited. I'm just kinda writing as I go. So eventually I will go back and go through it. (╥﹏╥)

Words: 1381

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