Chapter 11

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Skeppy stirred, a bright light welcoming his blurred eye sight. It took a few seconds before he finally could see straight again. He sat up and looked around, his eyes landing on a figure beside him.


Slipping a hand around his friends arm, Skeppy helped him sit up properly. He waited as Bad rubbed his eyes and adjusted to the rooms light. Once able to see, he stared the diamond in the eye.

"Skeppy?" Bad hesitated in reaching out his hand. "Is"

Skeppy's head tilted slightly to the side in confusion. "Yes? I'd hope so. Is that you Bad?"

The demon moved his hands up to his face, eyes widening as he saw white and a teal blue color. He never wore anything with those colors. The only one who came to mind who did was....

"Aah!" Bad lunged forward at Skeppy, shaking his shoulders in panic. "What does the rest of me look like exactly?"

Skeppy frowned. "You look like you except your clothes are a different mix of colors and one of your eyes are black."

"What the Hell is going on!"

"Bad! Language?"

Skeppy brought his hands up to the side of head to think. Okay so they probably both looked weird considering if Bad had changed then Skeppy had to. They each showed a part of their opposites and guessing by Bad's sudden profanity, the personalities would be mixed as well.

Bad let out a sigh. "Ok. We need to figure out how this will go. I don't know about you but I personally don't feel like cussing at random moments give or take."

The room went silent. Both boys trying to figure out how they would continue their day as two beings in one body.

Skeppy turned to Bad and gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry for smashing the bottles without us further discussing anything." He messed with the sleeves of his now half orange, half blue hoodie. "I feel super bad now."

Sighing, Bad scooted over to the shy boy. "It's ok Skeppy. We'll figure it out together. Ok?"

With Bad's reassuring smile and Skeppy's determined nod they both got up and went over their next plan of action.

A few weeks had passed and Dream decided it was time to check up on the odd duo. They hadn't visited or reported back to him about the potions. Dream worried that Skeppy really did turn into fish. That or either he had finally driven Bad mad.

When their mansion appeared in view he heard a loud scream from inside. Without any hesitation Dream sprinted to the front door, busting it down in one swift kick.

The house was a mess. Snacks were all over the floor, drinks left out on tables, and parts of furniture broken. (From Good of course.)

"Skeppy! Get your ass back here!"

A maniacal laugh could be heard before more shouts of anger echoed through the mansion. A guilty looking Skeppy ran out from around the corner and slammed into Dream, making them both fall to the floor. From his now blurry vision, Dream saw a very angry Bad.

"You idiot." Dream playfully smacked Skeppy across the back of his head. "I thought I told you not to piss off Bad."

Skeppy glared at him from the side. "Not my fault Good's personality makes him more moody."

"Good?" Dream turned his attention to what looked like his friend Bad.

Bad sighed, crossing his arms and annoyance. "Yes, we've been stuck like this since we first tried out the first potion." He held a hand out to Dream who thanked him. "We don't know how to change back."

"Oh shit. You guys stayed like this for weeks?" Dream made a face at the thought of it.

Skeppy who had now calmed down quietly gave a "language".

Dream walked over to the kitchen, spotting the potions exactly where he had left them. They were all still there, most of the liquid inside gone.

"Did you try them all?" Dream asked, picking one up and examining it closely.

Bad nodded. "Yes. The others seemed to wear off in a few hours but the yellow one we tried first has left us like this." He moved his hands up and down to show his mixed appearance.

Dream seemed to think for a moment. If the yellow potion wasn't wearing off then it meant something had gone right with the ingredients he used. The other side effects from the other potions just disappeared a few hours in when nothing was further happening.

"Perhaps we need to test out why the effects haven't change you back yet." Dream put the bottle back down on the counter and looked both in the eyes. "Do you trust me?"

Bad and Skeppy gave a confused expression, shrugged and nodded a yes as their response.

"Alright then. This might hurt."

The last thing the duo saw was Dream running at them with full speed and a sharp pain in the face

Note: What's gonna happen next? (ノ゚0゚)ノ~ Ooooo till next time.♥️

Word Count: 852

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