Chapter Eight: Perfect

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Bad was frozen to the spot as he looked his friend up from head to toe. The clothes he had been folding were now scattered on the floor, ignored.

"O-oh my goodness," the voice spoke in stutters, sounding exactly like the diamond man who was now drenched in the color orange. 'Skeppy' quickly went to pick up the laundry that had been dropped and piled it on the bed.

It took a while for Bad to completely process what was happening. This 'Skeppy' looked exactly like his friend but he knew it wasn't him. He spoke in a nervous tone, his movements always on edge and eyes worried over.

"Who are you?" Bad questioned.

A light smile spread across the diamonds face. "I'm Jef! You do not remember me?"

Bad watched as Jef's smile faltered. The demon sprang into action and tried calming him down.

"No no no," Bad squeezed Jef's shoulder and gave a smile in return. "I'm sorry Ske- Jef I didn't mean to upset you."

Jef sniffed, his fingers fiddled with the long, orange sleeves while looking up at Bad. "I-I didn't mean to frighten you. I was only trying to check up on you...."

The two stood there in silence, Jef's sniffles being the only noise. It was an awkward feeling for the both of them as Bad didn't know what to do with this new person. He seemed fragile, easily upset and blamed himself for mistakes that were an accident. It's exactly how Skeppy had been in the past few days.

"Hey," Bad tried easing up the tension by being as gentle as possible, "it's alright. I'm here. Do you want to do anything to get your mind off it?"

Jef's eyes lit up in excitement. He grabbed into Bad's arms and beamed. "Yes please! Can we go outside and explore?"

The smile on the demons face couldn't be helped. Bad simply nodded and the two set off without any intentions of going anywhere specific.

While the whole time walking, Jef laughed and giggled at the sights around him. Bad watched off to the side, lost in thought.

His thoughts went back to Good and the promise he made. 'A friend'. Jef was positive, always looking at the bright side of things. Making sure whatever he did was the right decision for him and others.

"He's perfect."

Bad jolted back in reality, looking around only to find Jef crouched by a flower, intently watching a butterfly rest on it.

"You like him?" Bad mumbled the question back, making sure his voice was low enough to where Jef couldn't hear.

"Yeah..." Good watched from the eyes of Bad, his expression softening at the sight.

Bad turned to Good. They were currently in the black void again. It's how they had been communicating over the past few days.

"He seems so-" Bad stopped to think about his choice of words, "different from you."

Good chuckled beside him. "Is that not you and Skeppy?"


Bad walked up to Jef, placing a hand on his shoulder. The butterfly flew off once it saw the movements of another. Jef watched in awe as the beautiful creature left to most likely find another flower.

"Would you like to meet someone?" Bad questioned the boy.

Jef looked up with confused eyes. His posture shifted and he looked nervous.

"A-are they nice?" Jef asked, nervousness coating his voice. He wasn't exactly the social type.

Bad thought of a reply. How was he supposed to respond? Good wasn't exactly an angel. If you called easily angered and possessive behavior sweet that is.

Bad laughed. "I think you'll like him."

Note: Yeeeaaahhh I'm doing it. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Sorry for such the long wait. Should be a new chapter out tomorrow!!!

Word count: 635

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