Chapter Nine: Fine

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Bad had taken Jef back to their shared mansion. They had agreed on meeting this new person even if Bad was still thinking over some things.

Would they get along? Being the exact opposite of someone so sweet wasn't starting to make a good impression. Then there's that old saying where opposites attract.

The demon looked over at the orange sleeved boy who was currently fiddling with his sleeves yet again. He seemed to do that quite often.

"Jef I-" Bad's nervousness was apparent and he stopped mid sentence.

The living room was starting to feel almost suffocating. This could either go two ways. One, Good's harsh personality could make Jef feel really uncomfortable, making the situation more worse. Or two, Good and Jef could hit it off well and become best friends. Bad preferred the second one to happen.

Jef gave his friend a small smile from his current position on the sofa. "It's okay Bad. I'm sure I'll enjoy him. He's friends with you after all."

A grin couldn't help but come across Bad's face. Jef was sometimes too sweet for his kind. Maybe even sweeter than himself.

Bad cleared his throat and finally decided on his decision. "Are you ready to meet him then?"

Jef nodded. He assumed this friend was meeting them at their house but what happened next surprised him. A blinding light was filling up the entire room which caused Jef to tightly shut his eyes. The light dimmed down after a few seconds. Jef took this time to gain his vision back. Looking back up at Bad, he found the demon had been replaced with someone entirely different.

"Hey," Good spoke soft and awkwardly waved a greeting towards him.

The sound of someone hitting the floor and a rush of footsteps came next. In pure shock, Jef had fallen backwards off the side of the sofa, Good jumping straight into action and rushing over to him.

Good hesitated to reach out and help. He did just scare the living daylights out of the poor boy.

'Great first impression you dumb fuck' Good scolded himself from inside his mind.

Jef sat up, rubbing the spot on his head that impacted with the hard floor. He looked up, taking in the full view of the angel who stood there with a worried expression.

"I- who are you?"

Good blinked. He had heard Jef's voice from inside Bad's mind but now that he was out he realized just how much better it sounded. Almost angel like.

"I'm Good. You are Jef correct? Bad has told me a bit about you." Good crouched down on the floor next to the orange boy who had calmed down by now.

Jef brightened up and extended his hand out towards Good. "I am! Very nice to meet you. I hope we can be the best of friends."

Laughing lightly, Good took his hand and shook it. If he was being honest, Jef was already very likable. Completely different from Skeppy's loud laugh and trolling antics. The orange made it better as Good thought he resembled a small, cute pumpkin.

"Yes," Good let go of Jef's hand and gave a nod. "I'm sure we'll get along just well."



Good groaned beside Jef. It had been only a few hours and the two had hit it off perfectly. Jef, wanting attention all the time and Good giving in because he couldn't say no.

"Yes, you pumpkin?" Good called from the kitchen, digging further into the pantry for something to eat. Bad hadn't ate anything that morning and it was now his problem to fix. He reminded himself later to scold his other half.

Jef padded into the room and immediately clung to the angels side. "I want aaatteeentiiiooonn!"

Good sighing, turned around with an annoyed expression on his face. "I have been giving you my undivided attention all day long." He took ahold of the boy and pried him off his arms. "What else do you want me to do? Take you out somewhere? Sheesh."

Jef's eyes almost seemed to sparkle as he bounced on the spot in excitement. "Yeeees! Take me out on a picnic!"

Normally Good would just yell fuck off by now but this was Jef he was talking to. Even if the pumpkin man had been pestering him all day he wasn't actually annoyed with him. Jef's excitement was too contagious and the happy mood was to hard to ruin. Good gave in in only a matter of seconds.

"Fine you pumpkin fuck. We'll do things your way."

The next moments contained of Jef calling him out on bad language and Good cussing more as a way to mess with him. Something told him it was going to be like this with them.

And you know what? Good was completely fine with that.


Note: Yay! I'm happy with this. Here's your Jef and Goodboyhalo moment. You'll be getting them a lot! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Thank you all for the loads of love you've given me and this story. See you next update.

Word count: 849

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