Chapter Ten: Potions

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By now, everyone on the server had found out what had happened between Skeppy and Bad. Either they had witnessed the start of it all - Puffy and Quackity - or found out by spotting the newly guests, Jef and Good, walking around. No matter the case though, everything went as normal as it did before.

Bad and Skeppy went on with life and if someone asked for more detail, they simply told them the truth. At the times where Good and Jef wanted to switch, it was allowed, staying until the next switch was to happen.

Bad had talked to Dream personally about getting Good and Jef out of their minds so they could live their own individual lives. Dream specialized in potions, even at times creating his own made up ones. If anyone could figure out how to separate two people who were somehow magically connected together, it would be Dream.

That was three weeks ago.

"Oh come on Bad! You know I didn't mean to."

Everyone knew who that loud voice belonged to. It was Skeppy who seemed as if he was trying to get out of another one of Bad's punishments.

"Oh! You call purposely replacing all our refrigerated foods with Jif peanut butter an accident?"

Skeppy stifled a laugh, looking up at his angered friend. "Yeah?"

"Don't talk to me right now."

Bad crossed his arms and attempted to ignore Skeppy's dramatic pleads and fake sobbing. They went on bickering, not noticing the familiar person walking up beside them.

"I see you're still as much of a baby as before."

Bad and Skeppy turned their heads to face a familiar masked man. He was wearing his normal outfit. A green hoodie with black pants and brown, high top boots. The only new addition was the potion bottles attached to a brown belt around his hips.

"Hey!!" Skeppy furrowed his brows and stuck his tongue out. "I'm not a baby!"

Bad rolled his eyes, turning to Dream and ignoring Skeppy's consistent blabbering.

"So?" Bad eyed the many potion bottles Dream had brought with him. "Did you find anything that would be helpful?"

Dream sighed. "No, not really. I tried mixing up some stuff I thought might help so I brought those ones with me. Some are completely random and others I tried putting DNA samples of both of you in them."

He picked one randomly, holding it out to the demon. "You can try them and see what they do but if Skeppy turns into a fish or something, I'm not taking responsibility."

Skeppy scoffed from the side. "I'll have you know if I do turn into one I'll bite your fucking ankles."

"Language mister! You are in big trouble when we get back home." Bad glared down at the innocent smile the diamond was trying to pull off.

Dream chuckled, placing the potions in Bad's hands and waving a goodbye. He silently prayed Skeppy would survive an angry Bad and still exist by tomorrow morning.

Once Skeppy and Bad made their way back home, Bad took the potions to the kitchen, laying them out on the table neatly.

"So which one do we try first?" Skeppy poked one of the potions in curiosity, making it's light blue contents swish around inside. "They don't seem like much honestly."

Bad picked one up which was colored a bright yellow. "I suppose it doesn't matter. We can go one by one, seeing what each does and reporting back to Dream."

Skeppy turned to Bad, a michievous smile spreading across his face.

"Then let's get started!"

Skeppy suddenly smacked the potion out of Bad's hand who yelped in surprise. The potion fell to the ground, a shattering noise echoing throughout the mansion and a blinding light filling up the space in the room.


Note: Sorry it took so long. I'm kinda running out of ideas and this was super rushed. (;ŏ﹏ŏ) If you have any ideas feel free to text me or comment down below.♡

Word Count: 668

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