Chapter Seven: Jef

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Ever since the events of Good happened, Skeppy had become very clingy and over protective.

Bad normally would love the attention, soaking up every single thing Skeppy did or said. Now, it was getting a bit too much.

Bad had tried talking to him about it but Skeppy seemed to get upset and offended easily. It was different because Bad expected his friend to start fake whining and make him feel guilty. Well...he had actually started tearing up to which Bad immediately apologized and said to forget it.

So there they were. Bad, who was trying to work on the mansion with a Skeppy attached to his arm.

"Come on Skep." Bad tried removing Skeppy's hands off his arm but he just clung to him tighter.

"No." Skeppy pouted and shook his head. "Me want to stay with you."

Bad sighed. This was exactly what had been happening for the past week now. Bad was starting to wonder if this was just Skeppy being Skeppy or something was actually wrong with him.

Bad bent over and picked up some quartz blocks, putting them neatly back in the chest infront of him.

"Ok you muffin," Turning to the side, Bad looked Skeppy in the eye, "how about we go inside and I make you a smoothie?"

The demon watched his friend jump up with excitement. Seeing his bright smile and sparkling eyes light up. Bad could only smile lovingly at the scene.

Once inside, Skeppy made his way to the kitchen and pulled out the objects to make said smoothie.

"I want blue one."

Bad chuckled. "Yes, I know Skeppy."

So Skeppy watched as Bad prepared the blue smoothie. It was normal for him to watch Bad move around in the kitchen, preparing all sorts of meals for the two of them. Skeppy loved nothing more than to watch Bad cook. It was all worth it in the end because the food was always cooked to absolute perfection.

"Done!" Bad called out and held up a medium sized cup filled to the brim with icy goodness.

Skeppy reached up, making grabby hands at it. "Baaaaddd!"

Bad only held it up higher.

"Ah ah. Remember what I told you when drinking smoothies?"

Skeppy lowered his posture, crossing his arms and sighed. "To make sure not to drink it to fast or else I'll get a headache."

Smiling, Bad finally gave his prize to Skeppy who immediately cheered up and started drinking the contents.

Bad left Skeppy to his treat and went to work on the house more. Cleaning the many rooms inside the house. This was the perfect time to go over his thoughts on why Skeppy was acting so differently.

He understood why he was being clingy. Bad did just turn into someone completely different a week ago. So Skeppy wanting to be by his side at all times was understandable and somewhat normal.

Skeppy was not fragile though. He was the type of person to stand up for himself. Not offended easily and could bite back. But recently Bad had noticed that his friend took everything to heart. If he would raise his voice in the slightest bit, Skeppy would flinch, backing up and eyes watering almost instantly.

Bad groaned in frustration, not paying attention to the clothes he was currently folding in a messy, lopsided pile.

Why was Skeppy acting so weird?


Bad snapped out of his thought and looked around for the voice that just spoke. There at the door of the room stood his Skeppy, covered head to toe in the color orange.

Bad dropped the clothes, eyes widening in pure shock. Frozen to his spot, all he could do was stare.

'Jef joined the game'.


Note: There you go guys. I had some help from you all and your ideas. ♥️ So I think I have a clue where this story is going. (• ▽ •;) Maybe anyways.

Words: 654

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