9 • late nights

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It was my first time back in lesson since he had told me he loved me, my Tuesday morning had just gotten a little bit better.

As I entered the room I sat down next to Dylan and unpacked my things for the lesson.

"Good morning everyone," Tom said, "today we're going to be starting Bell Jar."

A smile emerged on my face, I had told him on our date that Bell Jar was my favourite book. I tried to hide my smile but failed.

Tom gave out a short laugh. He must've seen my smile.

"So, has anyone read the book?" He asked.

I put up my hand and looked around to see it was only me who had read it. I slowly put down my hand trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.



"So how did you like the book?" He asked.

"I liked it, if you're looking for a very depressing outlook on life it's the book for you."

He let out a laugh.

I shook my head at him and tried to contain my smile once again.

"How about we go round the class and you tell me your favourite novel," he suggested.

After a couple of people telling Tom their favourite book, we got around to a group of popular girls at the back of the class. I'd heard them whisper about Tom
before, talk about the veins going up his arms, or his fluffy brown hair that they were dying to touch. I mean they had a point, he was an English god, I had no idea why he was remotely attracted to me, but I didn't like to question it, lord knows I could get into it if I wanted to though.

"My favourite book is Lolita," one of the girls had said following a giggle.

"Any reason?" He asked.

"I think it's one of the only realistic love stories."

Now if we just pause for a second and think, this girl was known for being a little dumb, and I'm not trying to judge but I'd never seen her with a book in her hand let alone Lolita, the pedophilloic romanticised love story between a minor and a forty year old.

Now, I can understand how I may sound a little hypocritical in this instance, but hear me out. I am not a minor and technically I am not at the age of consent, I'm seventeen, however in England where I'm originally from, the age of consent is sixteen. It's just a technicality.

"What's your favourite book sir?" One of the girls asked.

"It would have to be To Kill A Mockingbird."


"Yes she was!" I laughed, entering Tom's house.

"She was just being nice," Tom said, closing the door behind us.

"She said her favourite book was Lolita."

We were discussing what had happened in class with the group of girls, she was definitely flirting with Tom and he wouldn't admit it.

"I don't mind, I think it's funny," I laughed.

"Oh god sake, shut up," he chuckled.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Just put on like friends or something, I'm not bothered."

As we sat down on his leather couch, watching one of my favourite episodes of Friends, my mind began to wander. Prom was coming up, and I wasn't certain if I wanted to go or not.

"Penny for your thought?"

"Oh sorry I'm just thinking about prom, I'm not sure if I want to go, I might just come to yours and wait for you to get home."

"You can't skip prom, it's one of the main events when you're a teenager."

"Yeah but I won't be able to hang out with you."

"I'm not letting you skip it," he said, "you can't miss out on life experiences because of me."

"It's not because of you."

"How about I buy you a prom dress and then you go with your friends?" He suggested.

I nodded and smiled, "yeah, okay, that sounds nice."

Cuddled up to Tom and wrapped my arms around him, ready to fall asleep. This was a common occurrence when I can round to Tom's, I seem to lack a good night sleep at my own house, my parents always arguing down stairs.

It must've been an hour or so later when I woke up to the sounds of my phone ringing. I was still curled up next to Tom too.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Where in gods name are you?" I heard shouting over the phone.

It must've woken Tom, his eyes started to flicker open.

"I'm just at Dove's house, why?"


Before I could say anything else he hung up the phone. I collected all my things as quick as possible but I couldn't find my left shoe. "Can you see it?"

"Yes it's here," Tom said, handing me it quickly.

"Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow."

I gave him a quick kiss and headed out.

It was pitch black with the exception of street light and the stars. I couldn't believe I'd fallen asleep for so long, I'd been so stupid and reckless, and I was totally screwed.

So sorry it's taken like a full two years to update this but I'm finally doing it, hope you like it!

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