4 • I'm free tonight

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A few weeks later: last lesson of the day...

Tom motioned with his head to come up to the front, holding out the chalk, smiling.

Everyone was talking, so no one noticed him except me, even Dylan had stopped talking to me because I was so distracted. It was quite a hot day, so Tom had taken off his blazer and had rolled his sleeves just to the right spot.

I got up, confusing all three of them why I was getting out of my seat, but I ignored their repeated calls and walked to the front to Tom.

He gave me the chalk, our hands touching slightly in the process, making me bite my lip to try hide my nerves, which thankfully he doesn't seem to notice, he just smiles.

I rip my eyes away from him and try concentrating on the board, the problem seemed way too hard for my level too, how the fuck am I supposed to do this?? Is he doing this on purpose?

I try my hardest, when I finished, I looked back to him but he shakes his head. I give him puzzled look, he chuckles slightly and stands up from leaning on his desk and takes the chalk without warning, brushing my hand just like before.

"You need to times out the brackets before you can take it over, because they're tied together." He explained, while writing something on the board, but I was zoning out. "Y/n?" He mumbled trying to get my attention.

"Sorry Tom."

"That's Mr. Hiddleston to you." He raised his eyebrows in seriousness, my stomach immediately drops and I gulp audibly, I wasn't sure if it was nerves or butterflies or he was turn- "I'm only kidding. No ones listening, so don't worry. I'm sorry for scaring you." He laughed. I smiled back, chuckling slightly.

The bad side of the feeling went but there was still something there, it must of been butterflies. God dammit.

"Do you revise at all at home?" He asked. I just rolled my eyes. "Oh okay, I'll take that as a no then." He laughed. "But you are working at a grade A, so it's okay for now."

"I can't even do one problem though!" I peered at the answer that Tom had corrected.

"I honestly thought you'd get that." He said, I roll my eyes again making him laugh. "Maybe you're distracted?" He suggested.

I bit my lip and loosely nodded.

He tried to hide his smile, pressing his lips together but he ended up failing, revealing his grin. "Maybe you should consider getting some maths help." He said, trying to go back to the original subject.


"Look online? I've heard if you search on YouTube or on google, like mymaths or something." He suggested, writing another question on the board.

"Would you be able to help me?" I asked, instantly regretting my decision. I wasn't good at playing the mysterious seductive type, and I really wasn't sure what way this was going.

He stopped what he was doing and looked in my direction again. "W-well, my schedule is basically free." I raised my eyebrows for him to continue and answer yes or no. "If you're free...after school, just come here. I usually stay for but anyway, so it's not a trouble."

"Yeah. I'm free tonight." I said slowly.

A smile formed on his lips, he bit them trying not to grin again. "If you want, you can sit back down now."

"Okay." I said my mood dropping slightly, but I still smiled and walked towards the back of the room to my friends, thinking about tonight, knowing we'd be alone.

Professor Hiddleston the Actor Where stories live. Discover now