2 • The new maths teacher

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About a year later, first day as a senior...

I walked out the house, down the drive and into my car with Noah, just thinking about how well this last year has gone.

Home life was good, mum was happy and dad was doing great, he was earning quite the pay cheque too. My dad even bought me and Noah a car - I got an Audi and he got a an Aston Martin - but because he was lazy so I would always drive us to school.

Settling in at school was quite weird, seen as though I'd literally left everyone behind in England, it was lonely at first but Noah was here with me and because we were the same age, we had nearly all the same classes.

It was shocking to me finding out that Noah was quite popular, which also made me popular. I became a part of his group too, which were mostly boys but I didn't mind. There was Cameron Boyce, Dylan O'Brien , Tyler Posey, Dove Cameron and Harry and Sam Holland, the other twins in our group.

"Morning." I yelled to Dove, Harry, Sam and Tyler as I walked up to the locker area with Noah.

"Hey guys!" They called back.

"Oh my Y/n! You know that Mr. Lee moved jobs last year? The new replacement is supposed to be coming in!" Dove cried. I laughed at her enthusiasm.

"God, I hope he's hot." Dove smirked.

"You hope who's hot?" I hear two voices behind me, it was Dylan and Cameron, then I felt Dylan's hands snake around my waist, squeezing me tight. It has just been the six week holidays, so I guess this was a welcome back sort of thing.

"The new Maths teacher." Tyler chuckled, causing Dylan to removed hands and laugh along with us.


As we entered the Maths corridor we saw our class lined up outside our usual room, ugh that means a new seating plan. We joined the back of the queue and argued about why we should have a new seating arrangement, Mr. Lee just let us sit where we wanted. But then again, our group was quite large so there was a chance some of us would be sat near each other.

Eventually it got to me at the very end. "Where am I sat?" I muttered, not looking up at the teachers face.

"Name?" He asked. His voice made me look up, it was different to other teachers, more like mine. He had short brown hair, blue eyes and slight stubble on his chin. He had a full suit on with faint lines throughout, a blue shirt and a black tie on [like the cover photo].

I pulled a puzzled face, trying to work out where he was from going off of just one word. But he must have read it as name? What do you mean? "Do you have a name?" He chuckled.

My face lit up. He's fucking English.

"Yeah, Sorry." I said mentally slapping my self. "Y/n Y/l/n."

"It's okay." He smiled "You're sat next to Dylan, behind Noah and Harry." He read, looking up from the sheet he had in his hand.

"Thanks." I smiled, walking into the class room, Dove eyed me and gave me a look of what was best described as he's so fucking hot isn't he? I smiled and nodded slightly, indicating she was right.

"God, all the girls are gawking over this new teacher." Noah mumbled to me as I sat down in my seat, I glanced over to Dylan who was looking around the class room clearly agreeing with what Noah said.

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